2nd Printer DOA, What gives bambu?

I wonder what would happen if you ran your test print on a piece of float glass. Since it would be perfectly flat, it would eliminate that consideration. If it still printed faulty, it would implicate the automatic bed leveling as the source of the errors.

Since support couldnt answer any of my questions in this regard I am getting sent a bed replacement.

Reminds me of the time I purchased an appliance warranty from Sears, back when Sears was a thing. About once every two weeks they would send a totally new guy with a totally new part to swap out and replace. After six months of that, they had partially replaced the old dishwasher with a brand new one. You might think my wife and I would be happy with the final outcome, but after 6 months of that–and without a dishwasher while they bumbled their way through the repair–no, we were not. Even though the parts and labor were all covered by the warranty, it just wasn’t worth the wait. If we had known, we would have chucked it and bought a new one out of our own pocket–which in the case of Sears was probably exactly what they were hoping we would do at each and every step. Now, I don’t believe that kind of “wear 'em down” strategy is likely true of Bambu, but I do kinda wonder how you got the job of doing the actual warranty repairs for them and not visa versa. :wink: Did Bambu give you the option of sending it to a repair depot for warranty work like the way that a power tool manufacturer like a DeWalt or Makita typically would for a faulty drill? If it were a car, or even a vacuum cleaner, you’d drop it at the manufacturer’s designated shop and pick it up again after it had been fixed for you. I’m not sayin’ it’s wrong to do it this way rather than that way, though. Just sayin’, that’s all.

Not sure, they ignored all my questions and this was the only response. Not really interested in tearing my printer apart more than I already have. By the looks of other users its about a 4 hour job. Dont think ive ever seen anyone send a bambu in for repair, they just send you parts and make you fix it. I asked for an entire replacement machine. My original ticket is still open from the 14 day return so that might be an option. As it already was an option given to me. The wiki has a comment from bambu 40 days old saying that their team was working on a video for replacing the new v3 beds, no video to be found. Looked over the wiki on how to remove bed and it seems like a nightmare. I have all kinds of experience in tech and working on electrical components but just seems pointless. Its still under warranty. I sent all the correct documentation and I get half azz responses. Nothing but terrible experiences with this company. Yeah its awesome theyre willing to send parts but thats only because of warranty. They have offered 0 other reasons or explanations to why this could be happening other than to tram the bed that i already did too many times now.

Last and final update

I took the replacement bed and plate from bambu. Decided it was too cumbersome for something that “works out of box” and being as expensive of only owning it for 1 month at that point.

So I ended up returning under my original ticket. Just got my refund and purchased an a1 combo and seems to out preform both higher tier models from bambu. No issues on anything ive given it so for. Crazy the $400 machine works perfectly but the $1400 dollar machine is sent with defective parts.

Id like to get another printer as having more than 1 is efficient, maybe ill try one of the bigger bed printers if it ever gets released.


@95Prints3D Have you tried printing PETG on the A1? I’m curious whether or not the A1 has escaped PETG’s unusual and seemingly unique signature artifacts that have been documented in common among PETG prints made by a fairly wide array of different model X1 and P1 owners over the past 19 months or so. If it’s the same, then I presume it’s the software that’s the root cause. If not, then I presume it’s something about the hardware design.

I only print with pla, occasional random prints but mostly pla for star wars diorama. Dont really have a need to print petg. I was interested in getting a roll because the dummy 13 that ruined my plate is extremely loose in the torso. Just havent gotten around to it yet. Havent really seen said issue, never printed petg before so im not familiar with said fault.