2nd Printer DOA, What gives bambu?

A reddit user suggested I check the magnetic film on the bed and its directly inline where im having issues. Not really sure what to take of it since i cant really just test the front of the bed.

Youre totally right, this is cold not warmed up. I will say when i did tram the bed, the left and back knobs only need 1 full turn while the right side needs to be turned completely about 4 times to reach the nozzle.

If itā€™s not a reflection of some kind, then I would agree that does look weird, like maybe a bulge or a bubble of some sort. A perfect target for your straight edge.

Tried at 55Ā° since I only print with pla, terrible pictures but they look about the same. No noticeable difference. Ruler is right where im having all these issues. Not a reflection, tried wiping it away while warm but the mark is still there. Thought it couldve been dirt.

I checked mine, and it doesnā€™t look that way. Congratulations, it seems you found the culprit. :slightly_smiling_face:

It looks that way across the front, across the bed and corner to corner thoā€¦

This appears to be within an allowable tolerance range within bambu labs specifications. Iā€™ve attempted to head down this path and mine looked exactly like that with a .040" variation in flatness (Cold).

Obviously this will change extremely with temperatures.

I did it cold and warm, looks the same.

If its within their spec im SOL on printer #2. That FLSUN S1 is looking better and better every day.

I was also blown away when I got my response of that being in tolerance.

Honestly weā€™ve been interested in the SV08. Thereā€™s open source tool changer plugins that will enable the adaptation of multiple toolhead interchanging like the prusa XL but for the 1/3 of that price gets you the Sovol SV08 which essentially is a voron 2.4.

I love Bambu labs, itā€™s just weā€™ve all been super hyped over the past 2 years on everything theyā€™ve released so far. Now I just want a large build volume and thatā€™s literally it. Iā€™m not trying to print car bumpersā€¦ I merely want to print 2 full sized helmets multicolor at the same timeā€¦

Sheesh just let me Mirror a print of 400x400x600 and Iā€™m happy. :blush:

lol for real though. Iā€™m over the current line ups. I want the full fledged BL polished machine we all seeked out. But I also know technology adapts so fast you canā€™t wait for others otherwise you miss out.

Even if it falls within their spec, if it canā€™t print a first layer, as he is demonstrating, Iā€™d think that he would have a case for getting a replacement bed. Either that, or theyā€™d need to show him how to print it with the bed he has.

Warranty claims are never any fun, regardless of company. The people wearing you down are getting paid to do so, whereas for you every hour spent jumping through hoops is a total loss. About the only good news: you wonā€™t have to ship it all the way back to china, as you might with some of the other printer companies.

Anyhow, time to get out your feeler gauges and see whether or not 0.04" will slide under the gap.

Just gonna try to get a bed replacement, if anything ill throw it on offerup and someone can purchase a bed for it. Just hit a month old, dont care about changing it but im not throwing anymore money at this company until I get can get a printer that works as intended and advertised. If all else falls theres tons of other brands that work just as good. This is now my 2nd printer im thinking about getting rid of. Got rode so hard just for my original post to make my claim even more apparent. DOA.

Honestly, Iā€™d buy it from you :man_shrugging:t4: We have P1Pā€™s not the enclosed P1Sā€™s so I mean if the deal is good since I hear the bed needs replacement and all.

Try and get support to replace the bed, youā€™ll end up with having to provide some troubleshooting before hand more than likely. Theyā€™ll want some video of the instances occurring Iā€™m sure also. Sad to hear what youā€™ve dealt with @95Prints3D Not all experiences with BLā€™s end up like this thatā€™s for sure but Iā€™m fully transparent when it comes to companies interactions and products.

I currently hold since (04/15/23) 17 resolved support tickets, 3 unresolved, and 3 that couldnā€™t come to a resolution and simply were closed.

Currently the longest running ticket to be unresolved has been the (Z Banding phenomenon) which literally goes back n forth and I do whatā€™s requested when I have the chance then whenever I get a reply is when I read it then do whatever that task requests, when I have time lol. Its original submission date was exactly a year from today (06/23/23)

Currently, coming in 2nd on the longest running support ticket is the new phenomenon of mine apparently related directly towards AMS Error triggers which force pause the X1C during a print (ex. ā€œTangled Spoolā€) in which when resumed causes a massive layer shift. I recorded the reproduced effect from the front but they want a bird eye view to see anything out of the ordinary such as stating ā€œThere must be external forces causing the steps to be loss in translation to resuming the print and homing the tool head.ā€

I tell you now that the object to cause such layer shifts would need to be a rock or something solid to appear out of thin air especially when itā€™s during a perfectly fine print but only to occur after resuming from an error. I ruled out the possibility of this when they suggested to simply start a print then pause then start again, even though itā€™s only occurred to me resuming from an error message [resume] not an ordinary print pause or user generated pauseā€¦

So they have pros and cons to their products. I like em still just, more like tough love or a love hate kinda bond

Im up to uploading 15 pictures just on this ticket alone. Probably mention they ran my logs twice and was told I need to replace my lidar sensor because apparently no filament brands or type can be calibrated that way. That was the whole point of this post to begin with but never got solved. 1 month after i still dont have any sort of replacement. Thats a whole other story. I get the long wait times its just frustrating jumping in circles when these are already so expensive. Having more than 1 bambu is logical, but i just spent hella money just for me not to be able to use the top of the line model. Appericate your help.

At least itā€™s plausible. According to the wiki, X1C uses lidar in addition to the 3 strain gauges in the bed to do bed leveling.

Seems like its all full circle. Can you link that to me? Or tell me what its under on the wiki.

I timed out looking for it again. I remember it because I found it surprising. Seems like it would be redundant, so not sure what role it would actually play. Maybe some kind of failsafe in case a force sensor failed? On the other hand, on my machine I donā€™t see that the lidar is actually turned-on during the bed leveling (if it were, shouldnā€™t it be visible on the built-in observation camera, as it is during a lidar based filament calibration?), so maybe the wiki entry was false and removed. Or maybe itā€™s still there and Iā€™m just not finding it.

In their store, Bambu does advertise that both are used:

Answering this question, the wiki says:

In most cases, only the light emitted by the horizontal laser can be seen in the video recorded by the chamber camera.
Bambu Lab micro lidar introduction and methods for distinguishing versions(single red or dual red) | Bambu Lab Wiki

i.e. the vertical lidar could be used as part of the bed leveling and yet not be visible on the observation camera.

Bambu finally responded and this is what they said LMAO

ā€œWeā€™ve reviewed the logs youā€™ve provided, and the bed leveling is normal. However, itā€™s possible that when you were tightening the screws, you may have over-tightened them. So please re-level the bed according to the instructions in the wiki, and see if that resolves the issue. If youā€™re sure that the screws are in the proper state, please record a video showing the screw status and share the latest first layer print images with us for review.ā€

So after manually doing a bed tram for the 8th time its still happening. Sent them a video showing the entire process of me doing a tram, with how the screws are meant to be flush and do my tram. The right side needs about 4-5 turns to even get close to the nozzle yet the left and back only need about 2 full turns.

Probably gonna get screwed on another bambu printer. Did exactly what they wanted now twice and my problem is still there.

Is this bambu Jade White PLA Basic? Asking this because it seems the new batch of white has issue, main being layers not adhering to each other. There are several complaints about it in this forum.

No this filament is Overture White PLA