3D Connexion Spacemouse support

Glad I could help! And thank you for the kind gesture, but being able to give back something useful to the community is reward enough. I learn a LOT from forums/sub-reddits/YouTube and web searching, it’s nice to offer help back whenever possible!


Bamboo Studio seems to be using an old driver or API to connect with 3DConnexion’s spatial manipulation devices. This is evident by the use of the CTRL+M menu, which was used in earlier versions of Prusa Slicer. However, Prusa Slicer no longer uses this. But that’s not the main issue; the problem is that this system limits several functionalities of the mouse. One such issue is the inability to assign the view shortcuts (TOP, FRONT, RIGHT, etc.) on the device to the CTRL+1, CTRL+2, etc., shortcuts in the application. Therefore, I would request the app developers to update it.
Captura de ecrã 2024-05-31 083600


It does. I use it every day.

It’s very disappointing to not be able to use the hotkeys that are right at my fingertips. I assume most BS users don’t use 3D mice so there is little incentive for the developers to devote time to a fix.

Please at the very least add invert checkboxes (or allow negative values) to all the axes. i prefer to use the spacemouse to simulate manipulating the camera not the object. this means just about every axis needs to be reversed.

How do I invert the zoom? In Bambu Studio it’s the opposite from how I have it set in all other apps.

Any update? My spacemoouse settings are not reflected on Bambu Studio, e.g. zoom with up/down instead of forward/backward or flags to reverse. View hotkeys (front, side etc.) also do not work.

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I’d like to see this updated too. I’ve been using a space mouse a lot more recently, and it’s awkward hoping into Bambu Studio.


Using the hidden Ctrl+M menu definitely makes things better, however, I maxed out ‘Translate’ to 30 and panning is still super slow with the spacemouse. Everything else is much more sensitive at very low numbers (like 0.2). Is this how it is for you guys? It’s not terrible, but definitely annoying when working with multiple build plates and would like to be able to crank it up more.

THANK YOU! Ctrl-M has saved my hand!