A lot of stolen designs are being uploaded


It’s not even just about this model. It’s about the sole right of the author.

And as far as I know, he’s the only one who has the right to criticize - although I could also be wrong.

To assert the rights of others without even consulting them? As an author, do you now have to publish every agreement now with every person to every person?

When I’m asked (regarding my content which was not discussed here) I always say no. As long as I’m not asked, I turn a blind eye in silence. Way I can`t say yes, because then I lose track and can no longer attack those who overdo it.

And one thing is certain 100% clear: If you come as the author, you have to be damn sure that everything comes from you. Because if not, it will backfire badly. And how clean it is and whether something has blinked away, only the Author knows. And the authors then discuss this among from Author to Author if one can get the small peace of the other and certainly for sure not publicly to everyone.