A1 and Bambu Studio Issues: Z-hop retractions and Axis Limits

I don’t know if it generates too many retractions on the Z-axis compared to other slicers (it is a software problem, not a hardware problem); if it does, they occur where they shouldn’t. The problem is that where it should retract the Z axis, it doesn’t, and the nozzle scratches the piece. The nozzle will eventually deteriorate, and the prints have many adhesion problems because the nozzle forces them. I’ve noticed in the community several open issues related to bed adhesion, and I’m afraid it might be connected to this.


@amzaldua as you mentioned on Github, your use of the term “retract” on the Z-axis is actually a failure of the nozzle to “hop” over obstructions. I think you’d said that you used “retract” due to your background in programming CNC machinery.

Exactly what i observe during prints on my P1S. The nozzle is scratching at the infill and it’s absolutly horrible if you print objects with 100% infill.

Does anybody solve this problem?

You can mitigate this by adjusting some parameters:

  • Disable “Reduce infill retraction.”
  • Change to “Normal” Z-hop type.
  • Reduce the “travel distance threshold.” I have it set to 1mm, but you can reduce it to zero if desired.
  • Change “infill types” to either gyroid or honeycomb pattern.

For more information about Z-hop retractions, be aware that there is a bug in BambuStudio/Orca Slicer that causes some Z-hop movements to be missing.

Regarding the P1S, do you own one? How is its performance? I’m encountering hardware issues with the A1…


hey thanks for your Tips, i like to try them out andi think bambu has to solve this asap if there is such a bug like this.

Yes, i have an P1S since one and a half months and its perfect for me. But since 2 weeks i have tons of failed prints. Espassially at long prints with PLA + (matte, Geetech). For example i try to print the “mesh raptor” from makerworld as big as possible and after 10 try’s it doesn’t work one time.

The base of this raptor is fullfilled with the recommend settings from the creator and the nozzle scratches at the infill for 50 mm and more. Now the nozzle clogs 7 prints in a row with different temperatures and filaments.

I hear that the previous version of Orca Slicer, version 1.8, doesn’t have this issue. :thinking:
Try using these parameters and let us know.
Cool model.

Any update on this? Experiencing the same issue with the A1 Mini.

Also, I can´t find the following settings, is this only for specific printer models like P1S?

Is this problem solved? I have A1 at home and I have a similar problem with the nozzle hitting the print in most of my prints. I clean the build plate with dish soap before printing. I have also tried with different brands of filaments and different infill types but the problem is not completely solved. I will try your suggestions for this problem.

Also I have a similar problem with the X1C, although it’s not very noticeable, but the printer probably tolerates it.

same here and actually not keen to adjust filament settings to fix such a bug…

I opened this thread in January, so you might not have another option.

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Probably, in your X1C, you don’t have any problems, but in the A1 series “Hotend Heating Assembly,” the four back screws eventually loosen due to the vibration caused by friction.

I have opened the support ticket for that and they also suggested tightening the screws and I have tightened them but it didn’t fix the problem. Only working solution is for me is manually setting the z hop in the filament settings.

Is this enough? Do we need 0.1 or 0.2mm Z hop when retract maybe?

I checked another topic about this and it’s not so simple as I thought.

The key to addressing this issue (dragging on infill) with Bambu Studio and Orca Slicer is to change these settings:

In Process Profile:

  • Strength / Sparse Infill Pattern: Choose a pattern where the lines don’t cross, such as Gyroid or Cross Hatch.
  • Other / G-code Output: Disable the “Reduce Infill Retractions” option.

Additional changes you can make to improve this issue are:

In Printer Profile:

  • Extruder / Z-hop When Retract: Set to 0.8 mm.
  • Extruder / Z-hop Type: Choose either Spiral or Normal (Normal is more optimal, but it worsens the finish of the top surfaces).