A1-Firmware Update- Bed dectection?!?

Could anyone care to explain to me how a 600 Euro bundle A1 printer now has bed detection but, my 1000 Euro bundle P1S printer doesn’t?

Version 1.2 firmware introduces several convenient features designed to enhance the user experience. The Build Plate Detection feature eliminates the possibility of human error by preventing a print from starting without the build plate in place. Similarly, the Air Printing Detection feature halts your print upon detecting extrusion issues, thereby conserving filament and saving time.
Below, you’ll find some of the key updates that Version 1.2 brings:

I believe the air printing detection is going to arrive for the P1 series and would be handy given how susceptible these printers are to clogging.
To be fair, plate detection is not necessary if the user changes their workflow.

yes yes, but if you pump your brakes your car doesn’t need anti-lock brakes either. But the automated features sure do make the overall safety better.

Eliminating human error is near impossible. There is always someone who will figure out a way.