I’m assuming that my new A1 does have some mechanism similar to my P1S so that it goes to sleep after a certain period of inactivity. But the light stays lit on both of them. Does anyone know of an option for getting them to turn off during sleep? Thanks for any responses.
Have you read this thread?
No, I haven’t. I will now. Thanks, Malc!
I read the entire thread. Most people in the thread seem bothered that there is a camera light at all. I didn’t see any specific instructions on how to merely make my printer lights go to sleep with all the rest of the machinery. With all the environmentalists demanding the use of less energy, you’d think BBL would have the lights going to sleep. No big deal though I can simply turn them off the old fashioned way.
If you are concerned about how BL considers the environment, ask someone else to unbox any parts you order from them.