A1 Mini -> The little one is starting to annoy me

My initial enthusiasm for the A1 Mini diminishes with each larger print.

It can now print small things quite well if you align the parts correctly for printing.
Since the Mini moves the print bed quite violently, parts can quickly slip.

But the A1 simply can’t do large prints.
Opening a ticket isn’t possible either because the Mini doesn’t save any logger files.

how do prints fail with different build plates???
do they release from the build plate? or does the high speed affect the printing layers … not letting filament stick to previous layers

The prints slipped off the original plates. Nothing slips from the black plates. The problem occurs at high prints. I assume that the vibrations caused by movements that are too fast are responsible for this.

Seems like a silly question but have you tried running large prints at slower speeds?


I have in general had problems with adhesion. I have Bambu’s own filament on order which I hope helps. Also, I have a suspicion that part of my problem is drafts. The best prints I am getting are amazing. But I can’t really anticipate what is going to work and what isn’t.

I haven’t had an issues with adhesion as of yet. I have done several prints that max out the build plate with no issue. In terms of height vs build plate being used I printed both an Aztec and Mayan pyramid for a teacher that had a base that filled up the entire plate. Even articulated prints with smaller pieces have stayed in place. But I have not, however, print anything of significant height it had a surface area smaller than a silver dollar. Most of my tall prints had significant surface area. But I have definitely over the years have had more adhesion issues especially with smaller surface areas with textured PEI beds. I’m waiting for the high temp smooth sheet from the mega combo to arrive. In the past with other printers when I had adhesion issues with textured PEI build plates as it relates to smaller surface area switching to a smooth PEI usually remedied the situation. But I can see how taller prints with less surface area than what I have printed would have a harder time on a bedslinger. I have two other printers of different models with textured build plates and the one on the A1 mini has honestly surprised me so far, especially on tiny stuff that I would expect to possibly release on my S1 Pro, or J1S. On one occasion, with the S1 pro it took more than just the ISO I typically used. I had dirtied it up enough with oils from my fingers and soap and water brought everything back into harmony. Which I did when I first got it, but it was due again.

i have had issues with adhesion on my PEO plate i ordered from china for the a1 mini …. it all went away after scrubbing the plate surface with dish soap and water on a paper towel … it was like night and day difference


also … there are 4 screws that can come loose and give you first layer issues. when you remove the nozzle, you will see the heating unit with what looks like a engineering stone that has 3 screws holding it in place … remove these 3 screws and turn the engineering stone to expose the back side … there are 4 screws on the back of the engineering stone … if you are able to snug them up a bit, it means that they came loose and can be why you are having issues


Washing the plate with hot soapy water seems to solve my adhesion problem.


I should have expressed myself better because you are all fixated on adhesion.
I was able to easily fix this problem with the new black printing plates. All objects on the black plates are fixed.

A much bigger problem is the movement of objects that occur when the pressure plate moves back and forth very quickly. Like a blade of grass in the wind. Just a few micrometers, but that’s enough. From a certain height and especially with thin structures, the print head misses the previous layer and simply prints next to it.

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Do you have any examples I could try? I’d like to see if mine does the same. I understand your issues being from acceleration and I just wanted to try out some the the speed settings with a model that has problems.

hmm, could also be vibration related … i am currently experimenting with some 1/8 inch thick sheet of sorbothane material it is quite soft around 50a on the durometer scale. i cut out 4 2” circles and noticed that the bench i have the printer sitting on doesn’t vibrate as much anymore

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Have you checked that the bed temperature is correct? I’ve had some incidents related to having incorrect bed type in Bambu Studio. 30 degrees Celsius instead of 60. I don’t know why but “Cool Plate / PLA Plate” was selected instead of “Textured PEI Plate”. Has happened twice.

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I recommend a lot to solve this the smooth PEI plate, I am very happy with it in A1 mini… If you use the textured I would use 3DLac to assure well adhesion

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Have you tried these methods?

Sorry mate but I think the problem is not with the printer.
There are a few things you could make and tell us more about:

  • What is exactly the plastic you are using? PLA? What PLA? Is it Bambu? Is it PLA+, silk?
  • I did not see you saying anywhere you have cleaned your bed. For one week I have cleaned it each other day with IPA. People think that those PEI chinese beds are uber cool but they are not. So try washing it with soapy water, if same happens go and find some IPA (Isopropyl alchohol) and clean it. DO NOT TOCUH WITH FINGERS.

Each time you touch the bed you leave grease. Grease makes prints not sticking.
So again clean your bed and hopefully that would solve the issue.

I suppose for big prints you do the bed leveling. Check before it starts if there is no leftover on the nozzle as this could make wrong calibration.

So in general there is nothing with the printer. If it is Ender or A1 it is just calibration (thats why i asked you about the maker of the plastic) and technology of work (thats why you should clean and double clean).

Last resort - glue stick. Costs like 1-2 euro and if you are not good with 3D printing it is a saviour. Thats why everybody are using it

Yes you’re going to get wobble from a tall print. So when the tool head tries to print on top of the model it’s actually printing in mid air, and the spaghetti begins!

It even happens on the X1C.

The best solution for what I’m seeing in your pictures is to slow down your talk prints significantly. You already know the issue, so have you tried this? And I mean slow, if you think it’s slow, it’s probably not for something thin, put it in silent mode after you’ve adjusted the speeds. Even doing that you might have to go to something sort slow like 30mm/s…

Hope it helps, cause yeah everyone is taking adhesion, but you can see that’s not the issue.


WHen I got my X1C one week later or so I got issues with AMS.
THen I got nozzle jams because of third party TPU :smiley:

This got me to move the AMS aside from the printer. After I fixed everything just left it there as you can see the difference while printing and it made the PTFE tubes has less friction and better path. E.g. less issues with AMS :slight_smile:

I should have expressed myself better because you are all fixated on adhesion.
I was able to easily fix this problem with the new black printing plates. All objects on the black plates are fixed. No movement.No glue needed. It is like concrete until it is cold.

A much bigger problem is the movement of objects that occur when the pressure plate moves back and forth very quickly. Like a blade of grass in the wind. Just a few micrometers, but that’s enough. From a certain height and especially with thin structures, the print head misses the previous layer and simply prints next to it.

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