About the Bambu Lab X1-Carbon category

Section dedicated to the Bambu Lab X1-Carbon


Hi there, I’m new to this forum
I cannot understand how to post a new topic

I searched for “new topic” button everywhere… but nothing :sweat_smile:


Bought a new (and expensive) X! carbon and I am totally disappointed. Nothing but error messages most of them false errors, spending now two days on finding out how ti fix:
Do not recognize any other file type except STL, even the input prompt says differently. OK let’s stay with STL.
Slicing program deformates object dimensions; Solved by hand repair.
Now out of the blue won’t load STL file over “no dimension” error; Nothing I can do to correct, probably the end of the way for that piece of work
That is too mach wasted efforts and time for such an expensive device, ultimately accomplishing nothing at the end of the day.
I am wondering if there is a way to return it and get a refund.


Me too.

I can’t figure out how to post a new topic either!


Cannot find a new topic button either :frowning:


I am also not able to create a new topic. How can I start a new topic?


I didn’t understand the level thing but perhaps it’s because of that since new users are not yet trustworthy.

The greetings message said this:

  • For safety reasons, we temporarily limit what new users can do. You’ll gain new abilities (and badges) as we get to know you.

I am disappointed as well they make getting any help so difficult you give up.

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I am new here and I just wanted to say great job on the carbon X1!!!


Thist is starting to tick me off. I just calibrated my new printer, leveled the bed, and right of the bat it crashes hard trying to print 2 different prints already loaded on the machine. Pretty ticked this is the kind of support we get.

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Same here, no new topic button???


same, can’t post because no way to create a new topic!



Je suis nouveau et un peu perdu…

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I could be wrong, but I think as new users we have to earn some level of trust before we can post? Reading up on that now, a bit annoying when you want to ask a simple question but probably keeps the spam and other issues down a lot :slight_smile:


How the hell do I start a question thread on this forum? I can’t find anyone with the basic sissy questions I have.

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Well, im in the same boat as the rest of you. Trying to get some help with the AMS, but cant post anything. Guess we just need to read a few posts?

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You have to up your trust level, it’s a little goofy I know but an anti spam measure I’m sure. Read a bunch of posts, reply to some if needed, then the new post button will appear for you. Hope that helps!

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Giving you the same reply so you get notified, not sure if you would otherwise: You have to up your trust level, it’s a little goofy I know but an anti spam measure I’m sure. Read a bunch of posts, reply to some if needed, then the new post button will appear for you. Hope that helps!


Yeah, actually, it would be cool if they would be more explicit about how new users can up their trust level and why the “new topic” button is hidden. It’s an unnecessary barrier of entry to new users / customers.

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Hello. Just trying to build my reputation.

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