About the General Discussions category

In this section, you can discuss anything related to the Bambu Lab P1P 3D Printer.

recently the p1p has been printing badly
even in the slicer it takes longer to print than you are used to.
I’ve tried everything, factory reset, older bambulab studio version.
also new SD cards.
it is always the same, with every pressure.

it prints something, falters, then prints again, stops again


why did my P1S not work when i got it delivered? Motor b abdnormal issues

hey guys im new ok so a lasy night got this erros message 0300 08008 and now my tool head is not heating up properly

I also have problems although i bought mine new. Oh man.

Hello, I have been experiencing layer shifts of 1mm several times in one print. I already clean the rods. Adjust the belts tension, reduce speed and nothing solves the problem. Can anyone help me?