Actions taken against spamming of low-quality models on MakerWorld

I think a lot of you need to rememmber that Makerworls is a 3D printing site like printables and tailored at Bambu printers.
This site is aimed at those who 3d print models.

It is not Devianart, Booth, a 3D render database like Sketchfab, Grabcad etc
I found it funny in this thread a 2D designer was defending posting 2d pictures here thats what devianart and stuff is for not a 3d printing site.

There are many other sites out there that are more popular for showcasing your rendered models and 2d artwork.

While some may be enticed here to make money and get free stuff with the contents and points we need to be able to replicate the prints and maintain a quality level, else anyone will just slap uploads here and rendered where models don’t print half as good.
I agree that uploads should have a image as a bait and switch could happen where the actual model could be just a circle instead of the rendered image as a extreme.

Also with AI generation one could just post up those images when they half try to make them as a actual model.

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Also the few comments that people said they were suprised people actually printed there mdoels and they worked when they thought they were too complex etc.

Thats funny this being a dedicated 3d printing site where Bambu are trying to curate the models that are ‘actually printable’ this isn’t just any rendered model database like sketchfab or grabcad as mentioned.

Ok someone has caught on, or did they just delete their own Spam? Looks like a really great way to Speed-level as they’re now Level 19 and look for the most part free to get on with their day modelling as a respected Member of MakerWorld. Scammy practice, why does this user still get to play with elevated numbers while they disrupted the New Model feed all day? @MakerWorld?

Is MakerWorld doing anything about people who repeatedly plagiarise other people’s work? I have been trying to get support to recognise that the third time an individual plagiarised my model also counts as plagiarism, but they insist that because he has CAD files that show he has either exactly copied my model himself or used Fusion’s paid features to import it, it doesn’t count as plagiarism, even though he had two prior clear attempts taken down.
Support is just ignoring my queries and refusing to respond to me at all now.


Gottem! :slight_smile:

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his buddy too

Good catch. :+1:

Like I noticed and mentioned earlier in the thread they tend to have/add other accounts to their followers. Also sometimes they even comment on each others profiles.

Okay this is my absolute favorite yet. So meta


MakerWorld has not yet understood that “reconstructing from scratch” can still be copying or remixing from a legal perspective. If there is the slightest difference in the copied object, they usually reject copyright claims.

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Went to a lot of effort to even paint a few with 14 colours :astonished:

As a designer, I am very disappointed in maker world. Bambulab reached out to me to beta test maker world and I was one of the first designers to be invited to upload my designs. My designs were stolen and re uploaded almost as soon as makerworld was publicly available. Then makerworld did not even verify me even though my models were featured for some reason. This is why I was forced to remove my designs and stop uploading to makerworld. I hope in the future things become more stable here and I can reconsider uploading models to this platform again.


Hmm well i mostly do makerlab signs.

I use standard profiles

I check and repair everything thats not correct made by the signmaker

Everything is fine so far :wink:

Now i got 10 (nice) designs taken down.

I have a few thousand designs here and would like to publish some of the best but i can not print everything just for a picture…

Have so many positive reactions and posted makes with 5 star rating.

I hope this rule get weakened a little…

The option to NOT tick the box that said you uploaded the print evidence is always there, yet you chose to go against this because:

  • I didn’t understand the language
  • Its just a bothersome box
  • Its doesn’t relate to my models
  • My models are 5Star and I don’t have to prove it
  • It takes to long to print and I don’t really enjoy it
  • I lied
0 voters

I find it offensive that you think your models are more important than the next Maker.


When you not thick the box you can’t upload.

Exactly. So you chose? Sorry, but not sorry.


The profile passed my test! I have 100x the same profile! Standard settings, nothing special, nothing changed! Just the content of the sign…

So it works! Makers uploaded photos of makes and are happy.

Why are you so salty? You have a very aggressive language, stay calm and breathe through your shorts…

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So we have to make concessions because you want to bulk upload models that you can’t be bothered printing. Thousands you say. I honestly can’t get past the entitlement.


No, a few from thousand.

I printed maybe 20 and i use always the same profile. Do you know makerlab? Ever tried? It gives you a profile with all the settings. From Bambu, yes.

Still don’t get it? Maybe i write too fast?

Not fast at all. I’m still unsure why you’re entitled to bypass the printed evidence rule?

Everyone deserves to have a fair go without being smothered in a barrage of spam when they upload a legitimate model that has been printed.

The rule exists and I support the reason behind it.


Ah i see there is an option to upload files without a print profile and no real picture is needed.

That is ok for me…