Question on this as I’ve been affected by this, I’ve recently gone through the lengthy process of converting a large set of designs to multi color 3D printable coin type objects. Ive tested these models with manual color swaps using just black and white but the sheer number of models I’d like to upload makes this impossible to afford. Is there any way renders could be accepted? I’d be happy to make this happen
To add to this, I mainly ask this because what I’m doing isn’t intended to be spam. These are all unique models that I’ve manually checked for quality and I can make renders if that will help this case. I see several files on the front page as I’m typing this with only renders so I’m double checking if this is allowed or not
Really is there any reason you have to upload the entire catalog? Print in batches and upload those to avoid any confusion trying to find loopholes.
Not sure why would anyone care to print something the designer doesn’t even bother printing. I think it’d be considered spam when the creator doesn’t believe it’s worth printing.
Even though I know my designs will come out as intended because I have years of experience printing all sorts of objects, I’d still print them out and wouldn’t upload anything that doesn’t look good or meet my expectations.
Anyone complaining about actual image being required going forward is just here to farm points.
Not here to farm anything. I simply saw a demand for the models I’m making and spent a very long time putting in work to create a program for conversion that results in printable models. The fact of the matter is the amount of colors involved and the amount of filament is a barrier for me currently that I’m not a fan of. I’ve printed several models, even multi colored ones using the script I have but I just simply do not have the variety of colors that would be needed.
All just excuses, if the designer doesn’t believe it’s worth it for them to invest in the colors required to print their designs for even 1 time, they’re spamming if they decide to post it anyway.
This. I especially feel it on this site. Makerworld isn’t just another model repository to dump models. They’re obviously trying to cultivate a certain vibe. Well designed and well packaged models.
When I see models that just have renders, it doesn’t give me much confidence. I especially don’t have any confidence when they state they haven’t printed the model yet, as I have seen a few times.
I believe everyone should ride pink unicorns only. I think everyone that travels with something else should be kicked out.
I would love to ride a bike or airplane because I have done that my whole life and know they are safe, but still ride a pink unicorn only and won’t ride anything else.
Anyone complaining about having to ride a pink unicorn is just an environmental and safety destroyer and should be removed from society.
Simple answer - then don’t download and move on.
This comment is as low quality as a low quality design without an actual print image.
Ouch that hurt. Thank you mr. Pink Unicorn. At least I didn’t call you Karen.
And WOW!
Must not apply to you???
Dude, it’s not about forcing people to ride only the pink unicorns, as you so tastefully put it.
It’s about following the guidelines of the platform we choose to publish on, and showing respect to those that choose to download and print our models.
Simple answer to you too, you don’t like the requirement of an actual print, then go elsewhere.
You may not understand this, but I do just that. I don’t download and I move on. I was giving my experience as an example of what it’s like from an end user’s perspective. I’m hate to tell you this, but I’m not the only one.
Since I’ve started coming to some 3d printing related groups too, I see a ton of people with issues because they’re trying to print models that weren’t setup/verified as printable. My years of experience tells me why that is, I can spot it just from their screenshots of the slicer, but most new users aren’t going to understand that. That’s the part that comes in about showing respect to the people that download and print your models.
Back to your analogy of unicorns. I’ve been doing rendering for 20+ years. I’ve done architectural rendering, rendering for promos, pre-rendered stuff for games, rendering for commercials. I don’t render for 3d printable models though because it’s not representative of what the final product actually is. Especially because I can print the model, take a photo, and show what is to actually be expected. Beyond that, it allows me to actually test and verify that model so I know it works and prints in a manner to be expected, and that people wont just be wasting filament.
That’s a model I made for someone in r/3drequest on Reddit for free. I didn’t print it, it was only specific to that person. Please report it if you’re butt hurt
Also, I want to add that no one else downloaded that, which proves my point.
No one here is arguing that objects without print profiles should require an image. Most people are in agreement that this should be allowed. The requirement is specifically targeted and argued about over images in relation to print profiles, and I think most would argue that an object that is provided in raw format only should be allowed as such.
@Makerworld has become extremely confusing. After vases, Hueforge, signs and AI designs, the “New Uploads” area is now also spammed with “Pixel Puzzles”. In addition, new users transfer tens and hundreds of old and often useless designs from Thingiverse and Printables in a very short time.
It’s almost impossible to find anything interesting in the “New Uploads” section.
If Bambulab doesn’t intervene here, Makerworld will soon become the world’s largest database of “3D” designs, but it will be of little use and little used due to the blatant excess of junk.
I have already suggested limiting the number of uploads per user per day to 1 or 2, this would reduce the worst problem: bulk uploads.
I will agree with this. The issue I have is that within the past two weeks they have been changing those guidelines on the fly (previously had not been enforcing any of them).
We have gone from Makerworld saying you need an printed object image for a print profile (not enforced) to
Taking down Print Profiles without printed item pictures (now enforcing) to
Taking down Models without printed items pictures (no rule stating this is required) to
Saying “objects” uploaded need printed items pictures and leaving up violating objects in the “Featured” category.
What will it be tomorrow and how can we know that yesterday so we are not in violation???
And the change to 'objects" was created by a vocal minority that is here in the forums pushing their own moral code. Just because they want it that way, everyone has to do it or they are bad.
As I’m now having my arguments dismissed as “all excuses” as it was so kindly put, I’ll ask this. Are precious models only using renders going to be taken down? If not then I see non reason new models should have to compete with that.
But that is what you are saying - Nothing should be up here if it doesn’t have a printed picture. Model with or without a printer profile. It is span and should be removed by Makerworld.
Just pointing out that you are saying one thing yet acting another…
This is EXACTLY what Makerworld is Enforcing now. If a MODEL doesn’t have a printed picture it can be reported and taken down. It is considered an object.