AMS filament pullback Rant

Absolutely loved the AMS for about a year or so’s worth of trouble free operation then it wouldn’t pull back the filament. I did all the troubleshooting and replaced the hub motor, still screwed up. Then I did something wrong and the filament wouldn’t go inside the AMS, it ended up all over the room. I finally just ordered a new AMS, and It won’t pull back the filament either! Different slots, different types of spools, different filaments. I’ve had it with this piece of garbage. I have to open the lid and hold the spool in the air while hitting retry several times between red LEDs!

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Sorry but I can’t follow you…
Going inside the AMS, pulling it back ??
Can you be a little more specific on the issue you have ?
Am happy to give some tips but in order to do so I need a bit more info.

You need to replace the 6 pin cable

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