AMS keep loading and unloading

Hello. Having the same problem at the moment. With a completely new AMS, exactly the same problems arise. The AMS that comes with the printer works very well. Were you able to find a solution?

Hello. Has the new AMS motherboard solved the problem?

Hi. New ams mainboard didnt solve. For me it was the general ams feeder motor.

same here-they had to send me a new one

The ams is getting stuck at the coupler.

What I did was cut a long piece of filament and run it through the tube by hand and see if it gets stuck if so remove the coupler and make sure the ends of the PTFE tube are cut straight and then also make sure the tube is all they way tight in the coupler.

Push that piece of filament back through and if it goes through smooth the the ams shouldnā€™t have an issue.

For me, too, the loading error could be corrected by replacing the filament hub motor. Thanks for pointing this out!

I have the same problem since day 1 with that. Only problem with AMS is after printing the filament is stuck in the tube and i have to diconnect the quick coopling.
Is this caused by the HUB on back from printer or from Motors into AMS? Its dosent matter which ports is using, i get anytime that problem.

I just had this issue with my AMS, only in slot 1. I found that the filament had a bad spot in it. I cut off the filament at the point it entered the feeding slot and pulled out the old filament. Feed it back into the slot and it is now feeding fine and resumed the print that had failed.

My issue was with a glow in the dark filament as well. Never got stuck, but would randomly eject and lock up on AMS. If I waited a few minutes and just retried it woulld work, but stop again a few minutes later. I have two glow filaments that I tried. One was green and it worked fine once I respooled. The other was white that would glow purple. That one would not work in the AMS no matter what.

Have you ever fixed your problem? I have exactly the same on my new X1CC on slot 1 and donā€™t know what to de. Appreciate every help!

Iā€™m having the issue with port 2. I just got the printer a few days ago.
I find that, if I pull the filament out and cut it with scissors and put it back in, it will feed.

Has anyone resolved the issue? Iā€™d like to not do that every time.

I have had this problem numerous times and particularly when you have a print with multicolors is worse. I have had situations where I had to abort the prints. I THINK I have found out why this happens. The head of the printer is uppermost when this happens. I have done this- Lift up the glass cover and lift up the ptfe tube so that it is shooting out of the head at 90 degrees and the filament will not retract back.
I think that the problem takes place because the ptfe tube is pressing against the glass top and is sort of bent. when it is straightend up, the filament will stop behaving like this. I am seriously thinking of manufacturing a spacer which fits in between the glass cover and the top to avoid the ptfe tube from bending. please try this out and leave your comments at least I will be sure that I am not dreamingā€¦

Good Morning my Bambu Colleaguesā€¦ I Think I have found the reason and a solution to the issue when the AMS keeps loading and unloading and then pops up a message after doing so several times.
The issue is that the PTFE tube is bent against the glass top. What I have done is I printed a 40mm spacer(done it in 4 pcs and dovetailed. This spacer will fit in the step which takes the glass top and I have provided a recess for placing the glass.

This alone was not enough. The PTFE tube feeding into the extruder has to remain vertical for quite a bit and I have designed a part which fits into the rectangular opening and holds the ptfe tube decently straight. This seems to have solved my problem.

I have no idea how I can share this with STL files and pics. I am willing to share if you leave your e-mail.


Upload the model to Makerworldā€¦ :wink:

1 Like This is my e-mail pls share the stl with me. Do I need instructions for this or easy to apply?

I am going to crazy if i not solve this. I do everything to fix that but notting is solved. I bougt this with my saves and I am upset about it. Pls help.