So a major failure I’ve seen on the AMS lite is a problem that causes
In my experience a simple fix for this is by swapping the spool location. For example, by swapping the top and bottom. So for example with the following picture. If say the problem child is on 4. Without taking the filament out of the AMS. Just swap the spool to the 3 slot while it goes into 4. This gives enough room for it to work.
Basically as the spool runs out of filament the filament has to make a sharp turn. And this change allows it to get around that. Same problem shows up if the filament is to tight. This tends to fix it.
So to BL if you read this. All you have to do is swap the numbers around from 3 to 4, and 1 to 2. And in the software have it swap that around for the NFC thing. And then maybe make something people can print as a cover like this
And this lets the user slap the new cover on, update the thing, and run with it. Simple as that.
But if there was a major change made. Stronger motors or maybe it actually putting a bit more push wouldn’t hurt. Like this isn’t a perfect fix, but it at least makes it useable 90% of the time where otherwise you would manually had to push/pull the filament to get it started or switched.
NOTE/Update: I don’t have my A1 anymore due to the recall. So I can’t test this anymore. However, I might get it again sometime in the future.