Hello all,
I wanted to report a bug i had today with my AMS system on the p1p.
I inserted 3 rolls of PETG-HF and none were detected but watching on my phone they did flash for about a second the type of filament they were without the correct color.
This confused me so I turned to reddit and foudn this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/1edrd19/ams_detects_petg_hf_but_then_immediately_goes/
The solution is as follow:
"If you have any Bambu Studio windows open on your computer, save and close everything. Once you’ve closed all the windows on your computer, power the printer off and back on. Reopen Bambu Studio, update the configuration and software if you haven’t already. Then power the printer back on, reinsert the filament and it should be read correctly by the AMS and stored.
My best guess is there is a conflict between Studio and the printer and so the printer recognizes it and then Studio overrides that somehow because it doesn’t know that filament type."
It turned out I had another instance of Bambu open on a different computer as well as Orca, closing all of these down I power cycled and it detected all three rolls.
Just wanted to report this error here as well so that it will hopefully be addressed.