Any good bag clips that work on Bambu?

My favorite chip clip is a print-in-place easy print clip. (Bag Clip (print in place)). It claims to need .15 layer height, and when I’ve printed them on my old Prusa MK3S, they printed easily and flawlessly. I’ve tried printing it twice on my Bambu, and both times, it failed. It looks like the hinge fused together.

Given the tight tolerances of the Bambu, I would have thought a .15mm height would be enough to match the prusa. Any idea what else I might be doing wrong?

Separately, any good recommendations of a nice bag clip that I can print on the Bambu? I’d like something that doesn’t need screws and can withstand the abuse of my teenage kids.

There are like 15 remixes, none of them ok ?

The remixes usually add things like screws to reinforce. I was hoping for a pure PLA one. I’m sure there’s some setting in the slicer causing the problem but I can’t find it. And while this particular clip isn’t a huge deal, I’d like to learn what tweaks I might need to make to the slicer for items that were originally targeted at an Ender or Prusa or other printer (like the Arachne setting for fine detail)

If you find one working remix (easily printable on the Bambu X1) i would be interested…

Also at quick glance it seems that there are 0 “makes” using a Bambu printer (inside the hundreds of comments/makes).

I tried this bag clip several times but could not get it to work. Even not the 0.2 spacing version. :frowning:

Well, the first problem is that the provided .3MF is, i think, NOT correctly loaded inside Bamby Studio (the “support blockers” seem to be recognized as “parts” and not “blockers”).

Hence :

  • You cannot directly use the provided .3MF file
  • So you have to rely on the STL and manually handle by yourself the supports, which is NOT obvious as (per the video provided by the author of the clip), there is the need to exclude several areas from the supports.
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I did not use the .3MF for obvious reasons but I seem to be (still) not good enough to handle the STL and set up the slicer correctly myself. I’ll give it another try tomorrow… thanks for the hint!

You probably need to change the types of the internal parts (to “support blocker”) (note that after that these 5 objects are not “plain” but “generic”, and hence transparent in the rendering).

But this is clearly not enough and (for example) it’s needed (in Bambu Studio, which seems to be working in a different way compared to PrusaSlicer on that topic) to adjust other points (like where the blockers are positionned : for example, for the big rectangular box, i had to raise its Z axis + increase its height in order to have roughly the proper support in Preview mode)

But note that it’s not enough, when you compare with the support being in the video, you have something like :

Dear Serge,

first of all, many, many thanks for your effort, though it raises even more questions to me.

  1. how can you change the types of the internal parts to ‘support blockers’ or did you just delete and recreate them as modifiers / support blockers? I can’t find any menu item where I can change a part from the STL to another type.

  2. Looking at your fist image: If all the semi transparent objects are all support blockers, there are no supports left except for the lever which does not need support, right? So why not just turning support off?

  3. Looking at your second image: how does the support get there, when the joint is covered with a support blocking cylinder (see your first image)?

Finally: did you manage to print a working example of this bag clip? :slight_smile:

So quick responses.

About the procedure.
First you need to split the object into parts (right click on the object > Split menu > into parts (and not into objects).
Then you have 8 parts (3 for the objects, and 5 “support blockers” wrongly detected by Bambu Studio as parts to be printed) : you can click on the parts (either on the 3D rendering, either in the list on the left (when you click on Process > Objects like in one of the screenshots), right click on type and there you have “Change type” (allowing to switch to “support blocker”, which then leads to these parts being rendered semi-transparently).

About the principle.
The Slicer will still produce all the supports (exactly as before) : hence the support you highlighted with your yellow arrow, it’s just a part of the normal support (produced with support activated in “normal(auto)” mode in my screenshot).
The point is that (per the guidelines given by the author of the model) it’s not needed to have all supports, hence the need to remove some parts of them : this is done with the cubes / cylinders applied in “support blocker” mode (to prevent some parts of the supports to be printed - everything overlapping between “support” and “support blocker” is removed).

Hence why i had to move upper one of the big rectangle (as it’s probably badly placed in Bambu Studio compared to PrusaSlicer (this is just an assumption)) : in order to keep the root layers of the supports (shown on my screenshot) but not the extra (upper) layers of the support (blocked by the rectangle, once correctly positioned on Z axis + made higher, as it’s also a bit too small in height).

So i think the way to go is a mix between transforming the initial blockers (by putting again proper types) + making some adjustments (in order to reach the same state than what is obtained by the author with PrusaSlicers). But there are extra re-positionning to be done (also with the cylinders) in order to have the same behavior for the other parts of the support.

Lastly : no, i haven’t tried any prints, as i’ve just done that quick try and as it seems to still not be in the proper (expected) state regarding the support at this time.

Feel free to share your .3MF file if you are able to put everything correctly in place regarding supports.

edit : it’s a lot of text but really it’s quite simple and just a few clicks all in all …

edit : my current .3MF attached for reference =>

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Hi Serge!

Many, many thanks for your detailed reply! At the moment my printer is running around the clock, but I will definitely try to get this printed! Once I made it, I will share my .3MF file.

BTW: I could not download your .3MF. I get to the point where it says “press allow”, but nothing shows up. Maybe our company security blocks it… :frowning:

I will continue playing around with it and will try your suggestions!

Have a great day


This turned out to be a much more interesting thread than I expected when I originally posted it. I’m also going to try to print this updated 3mf file tonight when I get home from work. Thanks, everyone! As a Prusa convert to Bambu, I gotta say the community here is smaller (so far) but really great!

@nickt could you download Serge’s file?

To be honest: my printer runs around the clock because the eSun support-filament does not fit in the AMS and I intend to give it a try with this. Thus, I have to print two spool rewinder first! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just in case you are bored want to print something else… gg MUCH Improved Spool Winder - Helical Gears by SDHayes | Download free STL model |

@MSR_Chris yes I was able to download the file, and it does look to place supports only in the expected places. I’ll try it out tonight.

Bummer. I need to get this file! :slight_smile:

No, no, be careful, as i was saying, there is still one place that i haven’t corrected (it was just a quick try) : the cylinder needs also (i think) to be correctly moved in order for some extra parts of the support to appear (the way it is right now prevents the whole part of the support to be shown = the cylinder has to be moved and raised on Z axis) (at least if you want to replicate the exact supports created in the first place by the author of the initial .3MF designed for PrusaSlicer)

Don’ worry, Serge! We will all be alright! gg


So i quickly finalized the .m3f this evening and printed one on my Bambu X1C (in PETG, 0.15mm layers, 4 walls, 25% gyroid infill), just to make a try. It seems to be somehow OK in the end (i’ve never seen that clip printed with another printer, so i can’t compare). Seems to be working. No issues to remove the supports. Then you have to force a little bit to be able to move the lever and the claw, but nothing broke, and it’s openable / closeable as expected after that.

These are the supports that i kept (as described previously) :

Result :

On textured sheet it gives :

Printed in 1h6 minutes.

My current .3MF file (i don’t know how to attach that directly in the forum) : cam_clip_3-repaired-for-bambu-lab-x1.3mf
(another free hoster, just wait a few seconds before being able to download)

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I was also able to get mine to work, in PETG. I did find that moving the center cylinder up a bit let the supports reasonably closely match those of the Prusa-sliced version. Thank you, Serge, for all your help!

The only problem I’m now seeing is the bridging looks pretty ugly. I’ll have to play around with those settings a bit.

If by “bridging” you mean the “underlying layer of the pivot” (= what is just on top of the supports), on my side, i find them rather ok : it’s not perfect / not as smooth as the top layers, but still visually speaking quite ok (it probably depends of the space between the support and these bottom parts).