Anyone Else want a better graphical display for the P1P/S

So it doesn’t fit your use case so its not needed? lol wow ok

Hey why the hostility, I just said it’s not for me but it’s still cool. I don’t disagree with you I just have a different perspective. I’m not trashing anyone or anything. Why is everyone so ready for war on the forum now

How am I being hostile? YOU are the one that made the claim that the xtouch can do everything the panda can but upload stl’s. I simply pointed out this isn’t true and you doubled down.

Um I never once said it can do anything and you mistook my saying it’s almost parity with the big tree when I was talking about the A1 stock interface. That’s miscommunication. Whats with the hostility and calling me a liar when I didn’t, I’ve only been civil and kind to you even now, I’m sorry you misunderstood me but why not just ask about it instead of the hostility. This place didn’t used to be toxic just a month ago now you can’t talk to anyone without this dog eat dog attitude

Guess I cant read then?

Who is being toxic? I just stated the truth that the xtouch is far from parity with the Panda, you got all elitist and toxic bud

That’s a true statement and was and answer to a question so what’s the issue

Your forgetting your statement you made first. Hey we both had some sas at the beginning but again why this hate. There is no animosity here can we be friends like what’s going on

do you know the definition of true? You apparently still don’t know the features of the Panda. Do some research or something. This is a forum for others to learn from. Giving incomplete information helps no one.

What is toxic about this? The xtouch is Far from feature parity with the Panda. If you think it is “Look into the features a little more.”

I have and little secret I have a panda too, so what am i lying about. I know what I’m talking about and have used both extensively so what is the issue

Then why post misinformation?

You keep doing this saying I’m lying and posting this misinformation but won’t say what is a lie or wrong. I would happily correct if I’ve said anything wrong, but I haven’t to the best of my knowledge so could you please inform me instead of just repeating this

Ok how many things do you want me to list?

  1. Grouping printers: Master and Slave (not gonna list all the features of this)
  2. monitoring all printers on one screen that you can swipe left and right and see pretty much instantly
  3. Ability to change AMS settings

You can have the same file on multiple linked printers and they will start pretty much in sync, all from picking the file on the master printers sd and printing

Never once said you could do the master and slave so that’s a lie,

Yes you can monitor all your bambu printers with it you don’t swipe again I never once said that it’s tapping on each printer in the xtouch

And AMS control is in the beta right now it has some issues like I said but it’s coming along.

This is your post isn’t it? It can do some of the things, this would be a true statement. Its like comparing a chevette and a corvette, they are both cars I guess.

So again I never once lied but you have misrepresented my words and falsely accused me of it. Why are you trying so hard to make me a bad guy this is odd. I’m still being nice to you dispute the lies about me your spreading constantly which is libel. Again I’ll off the olive branch to you and call it a day if not then we know your just personally attacking me for no reason

That’s a true statement though I’ve done no wrong to you. Why are you attacking me for nothing

Attacking you? I simply pointed out that you are wrong, the xtouch can’t do everything but upload an stl and you keep taking it way to personal. The information you are offering is wrong. I gave you the suggestion to look at the features more.This is a forum for sharing information, at least try to make it correct or be more specific? You could cause some one to waste money on that xtouch thinking it can do things they have read about the panda doing, see the problem?

Just attach an old iPhone to it.