Anyone Else want a better graphical display for the P1P/S

If they can make it to where I can pick a file on the screen and all my printers start printing at once, I would. The Panda allows this to happen. I print a lot of the same thing. I’m sure there are others out there too that it will help streamline their process.

You can keep attacking me and saying things i didn’t say even Though it’s super easy to see that in the chat, idc. I’ve been attacked all day, so keep going digital me as I can’t do this anymore. Bye peeps it was a horrible time

You have called me a liar over 5 times don’t act like you were anything approaching nice. I never once lied yet you continue that narrative. Unreal, have a good life friend

No hostility here man, don’t take it that deep. You can’t convey tone with text but no hate here man. I own both, I don’t want to see someone waste their time or money on the xtouch when the panda is soo much more a complete package that is only going to get better with the planned updates. Let alone by thinking it can do anywhere near what the panda can. But yeah no hate here just info

Ive told you that you were wrong or misinformed however many times, never called you a liar. That’s out of your keyboard

Big difference from being wrong/misinformed to a liar

I’m only responding as it takes a bit to kill my account, saying im lying is the same thing also I was not misinformed I never said anything untrue but you don’t like the xtouch that’s fine but attacking my integrity to prop it up, hope your proud that you killed my spirit towards this. But hey now you can keep saying I was lying all you want because i won’t be hear to prove it false anymore so great news for you. Have a good night. ■■■■ everything

Wow, its ok to be wrong. Its not the end of the world Jeez

Please move the flame war to a separate thread!

Just some reasons I like the Panda:

  • Because I can :slight_smile:
  • I got it for a very good price as early bird
  • Display is larger
  • It can run by battery, meaning I can held it like a smart phone and walk around
  • I usually cut off the power to my printer, so installing a dedicated smart phone would not work because it would take far to long to boot and I would have to start the app manually.

lmao hold on so you attacked this guy for just saying what comes on the xtouch because you have a different one you like better. wow your a monster lol. i don’t see any falsehoods he said at all. you lied a ton though.

you made a guy who’s been helping here for over a year by the posts give up on this because of your pride. nice going. bambu people suck.

also did you check on him this sounded bad. gaslighting over a screen wow

What part of him saying it does everything but one feature of the Panda is correct? Do you even read? Look at the features of both (all of them) and like I said I have both. They are far from feature parity. The facts are facts. None of it is an attack, its pointing out facts. People are softer than my pillow on here.

show that he said that because its not on this thread once. you say it a lot but I don’t see it at all. he also complimented your thing and pointed out the differences.

really looks like you just took out your anger on a random @moderators look at this.

There you go, took about two seconds of reading to find. This statement is what started this all. Here was my reply . :[quote=“lindnjoe, post:59, topic:42312, full:true”]
Far from it, look into the features a little more.

Wow so mean. The rest is there if you can follow along.

thats not a lie. lmao oh my god. really now this is why. that’s true and look he expands on more right after. so there was nothing he lied about you just rolled on him for not liking your thing. that’s the truth lol.

like this is next level of messed up. why do you keep saying its a lie when its not. you need to just be honest man

No its a false statement. never once did I say anyone lied. Jesus christ learn to read.

Let me give you a simple example:
You go to a fast food place and order a burger with EVERYTHING on it. You get a burger with just ketchup. Did you get what you ordered?

but it can do the same thing besides that one thing so what is the issue besides your pride.

i bet god himself made that LCD for you. that’s got to be it for you to be so crazy like this lmao

You obviously havent used both or don’t know all of the features as well. Ignorance is bliss they say. Stay blissful.

I don’t really have a frame of reference about the Panda vs the Xtouch… but this thread is comedic gold. Holy moly that dude got his feelings hurt so much he just gave up on the forums. LOL

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right!!! found this place today and its amazing. people just get mad over everything I love it