Auto-bed mesh failure


Risking mention the obvious, if you didn’t, open a trouble ticket.
Just in case you fail to solve it.

I assume you know your way into the printer, but if something is unclear, let me know.
Also, you are using the latest firmware and have done the required maintenance over time.

  1. What error (code) does the printer show?

  2. you can do some simple checkups:
    a) During the bed levelling procedure, check where the failure occurs (i.e., if a nozzle hits the bed many times). I would advise filming it and putting a paper with the trouble ticket number in the back, avoiding the need to repeat it if BL requests. Do the same for any procedure you take.
    b) bed plate - try another to see if the behaviour is the same;
    c) nozzle- try another to see if the behaviour is the same;
    d) cabling - plug/unplug to ensure they “are” ok. Also, please let us know if the crimping (when applicable) is still in good condition.

  3. Regarding hardware, the piezoresistive sensors are known to be prone to be affected by high temperatures. As you are printing PA, it may be the cause. But before going on that, it would be interesting to know the results from the above checkup/behaviour.

Some similar issues threads that may be interesting to read:

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