Auto Refill Question

Maybe someone can point me to what I might be missing…I have Auto Refill on, I have two spools on there marked as the same material and same color on #1 and #2. When #1 ran out it stopped the print and told me to refill #1 with the same material to resume instead of moving on to #2. Am I missing something here?

Does this only work with Bambu Lab filaments with the RDFI chips?

No, if they are exactly the same it should work.

Did you confirm they are setup as the same print settings and exact color? It all has to be exactly the same and it should work if enabled.

Yep, both set to Black Generic PETG in #1 and #2, Refill is enabled, but when #1 ran out it paused and said insert same filament in #1 to resume…

Both my AMS and AMS-Lite work well, the material/colour needs to be identical on the printer screen and you can’t do a rfid mixed with generics. You can do any old generic spool as long as you set it as the same on both. Doublecheck in Studio Device tab in the auto refill button.

Did the empty spool have tape? Maybe if the spool can’t finish it’ll ask?

When you click on the Auto refill does it show the two slots you intended to use?

Materials where actually the same like for real, but yes I marked them both as black generic petg on there respective slots and have auto refill on. Is there something else I’m supposed to do or a way to check it recognizes it will work instead of hoping it works out?

Actually I set them up to be identical and turned on auto refill, I assumed it would just know by checking what’s installed, is there somewhere I have to dictate it to swap from one particular slot to the next ahead of time? I don’t believe I didn anything like that, I just set up #1 and #2 as both black petg, made sure auto refill was on and sent it

clicking on Auto Refill is to double check if it recognized your two spools as identical furthermore when you are on the print plate pop up from Bambu studio you can also click on Auto Refill where you can dedicate which spool comes first since the AMS sees the last one loaded as the first one to use.

Ok, i think my problem is when i click auto refill is only tell me the description of what Auto Refill does…i don’t seem to be able to get that circle with the “Group” labeling like you’re supposed to. I’m not near my printers right now, but ill double check everything when i got my printer back on and go through step by step. My goal is to somehow figure out why I’m not getting that Group icon showing what slots are swapping

I’m assuming this should work on the PS1 and A1, not just the X1C, correct? And generic filaments and not just Bambu Lab filaments?

if you see this message then this means that it does not recognize two slots with the same material & color.

Note even a slight shade change with custom colors will prevent auto refill from recognizing it so be sure to use the preset colors for both spools

Yeah thats the message I get. When I get back to my printer I’ll triple check everything and report back. Should be in a couple hours. I do know both were set to black and with generic PETG and also with the same K Factor. I imagine it works on Generic filaments and not just BL filaments.

works for all filaments so it is not limited to BL RFID spools

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I have to make a correction to my previous statement of how to select which slot first to be used for Auto Refill, it is not on the pop up when clicking on the Auto Refill “Button” on the send print job window, instead it is on the material button of print job window.

Do note that this selection does not mean that it will use auto refill since it will let you select any slot to use first with the same material even if it is in a different color so if lets say you have two slots for black PETG that Auto refill recognizes are same via the “Auto Refill use wheel” but you select another slot on the material selector that has white PETG then it will print the part in white when you send it and would NOT change to one of the black spools if the white one runs out.

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