Bad adhesion to flow calibration

I would like to submit a rather anomalous problem to comunity, I have had a p1p for about 1 month and I found it really good. the prints all went well but an anomaly happened yesterday. Bad adhesion of the bed, I thought it was dirty so I proceeded to clean it, the same thing doesn’t really adhere.
The error even occurs in the flow calibration. (I’m doing it with bambu pla matte) I’ve already done the cold extraction several times if by chance there was some kind of blockage, but the fialment always came out clean. If it can be useful, I printed using abs 3d colors filament that I had in my warehouse, properly dried.
here is a video of the 3d printing of the flow calibration (failed): Bambulab p1p adesion problem - YouTube

Has this ever happened to you? I’ve already written to the bamboo support because I haven’t found much online, but the strangest anomaly is that the filament sticks to the nozzle and settles around the silicone cover. The most anomalous thing (you can see it from the images) is that when the adhesion is there, it prints perfectly (I’m talking about the numbers that have not detached)
I’ve already tried:
clean the plate with soap and water
clean the plate with ipa
clean the nozzle with cold extraction

there are the images (loading via upload gives me an error)

And you have sent support ticket? I have the same sometimes and they are aware but good if more people let them know.

Perhaps the plate type selection in the slicer was changed?
To clean the plate you should use isopropyl alcohol and a lint free cloth.
I have found that to skip this step between runs can cause problems. So I do it every time.
It has been suggested to use a high purity isoproplyl alcohol. I am using a 70% which seems to work OK, and I already had it in the house. If I was going to purchase some I would go for a higher purity.

In the 3d printing process the printing vapors contaminates the surfaces of the plate and printer. Plastic is considered to be non-polar. Using the chemistry lesson, “likes dissolve likes” we will need to use a non polar solvent to clean the plate, hence use isoproplyl. When using " polar soap" a lubricant is left behind which likely acts like a release; it is impossible to remove soap residues.

Both IPA and soap both actually polar :slight_smile: There’s a different chemistry effect at play, here, but I couldn’t tell you what it was.

Thanks for your help.
The question is the definition of polar. A slightly polar material is still considered non-polar. I was trying to keep it simple, water is slightly polar just like plastics but they are both still treated as non polar.

i lowered the z-offset for the textured PEI sheet by 0.04mm, this helps a lot with adhesion. simply add this to the end of your start-g-code:

G29.1 Z-0.04 ; Z-offset -0.04mm

Sorry for resurrecting the topic, but just wanted to say that this worked great, thank you!

Apparently, this is applied by default. I can see this in my machine-G code

    6  ;===== for Textured PEI Plate , lower the nozzle as the nozzle was touching topmost of the texture when homing ==
    5  ;curr_bed_type={curr_bed_type}
    4  {if curr_bed_type=="Textured PEI Plate"}
    3  G29.1 Z{-0.04} ; for Textured PEI Plate
    2  {endif}

However I am using a third party plate, I am not sure if the cur_bed_type will be detected properly. I do get a missing build plate localization marker warnings for every print which I skip/ignore.

I too have adhesion issue going on, have a support ticket open.