I am a bit confused as to why I was getting excellent prints and all of a sudden I start getting bad prints that don’t stick to bed, literally been pushed off bed or I guess these. I also get globs sometimes.
I have the P1P and I also have the AMS
This is a gear I printed.
What I have done up till now.
change the hot end assembly to a 0.4 hardened steel assembly - all factory including fan ect…
Check my configs to the point I uninstalled Bambu Handy to go back to factory
Tried with Bambu filament
I am at a loss as to what this might be after printing such beautiful prints
Any help would be appreciated.
Its hard to see on the picture, but is it under extruded? If so, check your tubing for wear. Check Bambu Wiki for instructions.
Do a pressure advance calibration. Sometimes somehow the numbers are lost and the prints are bad.
Can you do that on a P1P? I thought that was just the X1 you could do that.
I changed all the tubing also, but will check again.
X1 can do automatic calibration, but you can calibrate manually with the SoftFever fork (or perhaps even with Bambu Studio not, but I haven’t used that ever since I switched to SoftFever :-)). It has the advantage of both saving time as you don’t need to do the flow calibration every time, and also works for whatever sheet you use, even the Textured PEI (where automatic flow calibration doesn’t work correctly). Also needed for multimaterial printing where every filament has it’s own PA value. You just need to run it once for every material (or rather vendor/material/colour as even colours can make a difference) and save it as a filament profile. You should also do the extrusion flow calibration beforehand to get correct results, though that’s not as critical and that takes a bit longer.
I have - I guess - the same problem. I have a P1P since about a month, printed 25-30 different, mostly small parts, all with PLA. All were perfect, beautiful.
But since today morning I can’t print anything, all parameters are the same, same printer, same bed (PEI) same Bambu Studio (no update happened) same filament. The part dislodges, then I tried to add a brim of 5mm. it holds stronger, but the print has large bumps at the corners. I think it dislodges when the head bumps into a knot / glob in the corner or around a cutout or hole in the part. The brim is missing completely on one side turned into a glob at a corner. …like the nozzle bumped into it and crushed it. I will post photos tomorrow.
Cleaned the PEI with alcohol, tried various slicer settings, printed about 10-15 tries all with bed calibration, all were either not sticking or had large globs.
In despair I reloaded the white Bambu Basic PLA filament and printed Benchy, the presliced one from the card. to my surprise it was perfect, like for the first time, The I tried the same white PLA my own parts that printed perfect until yesterday, same problems again. Don’t stick, globs.
Unfortunately I have not saved my sliced data that I printed earlier so I can’t zoom in on the problem being in the printer. My tries were new slicings, but some tries were when I did not change anything from the default settings in Bambu Studio, selected PLA, and run the standard 0.20mm layers, like it was working OK for a month.
Thank I will try that, but just curious as to what changed. Any new updates reported that are messed up?
I ask just because I have never had such bad prints out of the P1P, right out of the box all was good. I retightened my belts just for good measure. same thing.
If you have compressed air, try cleaning the extruder. You can also try the SoftFever slicer which uses slightly different patches than Bambu Studio to see if that helps. Also I would try printing the presliced files on the printer to see if it also happens with those.
Also try different filament, even PLA can absorb moisture, though I doubt this is the cause here.
If nothing helps, you can run the extrusion flow / temperature / PA calibration from SoftFever and try if something helps, maybe your temperature is off (failing thermistor), maybe your extruder is missing steps… that would narrow it down and give you a chance to print by compensating before getting a proper fix.
I changed the whole preassembled hot end assembly. So I think the thermistor is good.
I have all the PLA in the AMS and pre-dried in a SUNLU dryer. I tried different PLA, one from iBoss and the the other from Bambu… same result.
I will keep tinkering until I find it.
Any and all, other suggestions are appreciated.
Very much appreciated zviratko.
Perhaps your hot end needs cleaning. A dirty hotend would under extrude and toss everything off. There are 3d printer cleaning filament for this purpose.
Update as of a day later. Today morning I planned to continue my troubleshooting, as I turned on my Bambu P1P, it greeted me with an Update is ready to install message, I did the upgrade before any printing today, and afterwards a Calibration.
Somehow I had good anticipation and began printing a part I originally wanted to print yesterday (and failed at least 10 times with various settings) I left all settings at default (Generic PLA, 0.20mm layers, Standard) and voila! … it printed perfectly. …even with the difficult round holes on the bottom, all hole perimeters sticking perfectly, and not a single glob, knot.
I don’t know for sure what solved it, I guess it should be the calibration (it can’t be the new firmware, the previous worked for weeks flawlessly, btw. I notice they added a filament Load feature, Great!)
I think the printer somehow totally lost or the calibration (or got set way wrong values) or else a small misalignment should not have had these catastrophic results. I don’t know.
But anyway, now it is good, I’m already printing my third perfect part. I suggest for all with this problem to update the firmware if not yet done and most importantly rerun the calibration.
…my AMS has just arrived, beginning to install it.
Good news! Glad you got it sorted out.
If you’re planning on doing multi-color, you might read the comments above on the SoftFever fork of Bambu Studio.
It has calibrations that the standard Studio doesn’t and you can save Filament profiles with different settings. Very handy for non Bambu filaments which can vary a lot. Made a world of difference for me.
Here’s the Calibration page so you can get an idea:
and the main page:
Wir are in the P1P-section here. As the P1P has no LIDAR, there is a manual calibration build in (for input of K-value).
Ahhh … OK
LIDAR has no bearing on what I posted, and does not preclude running test prints from Studio. LIDAR is not needed for the calibration prints I’m speaking of.
The SoftFever fork Studio also has Temp towers and other tests, all manually confirmed by eyeball. You enter the data into your Filaments settings and it’s calibrated for that filament going forward. If you open the Calibration page I posted he explains it all.
I know. But my point was that even with BambuStudio itself and the P1P there is already a manual build-in calibration (a thing that X1 users don’t have).
That there are even more pieces for calibration in the SoftFever-fork is nice and I use it myself.
Cool! I knew that (I have an X1C) as I did a ton of homework before buying and heavily pondered P1P or X1C, but you’re very right, many X1C people don’t know it.
Since you have the SoftFever Studio - did you get the new 1.4.5 yet? It’s got TEMP TOWERS (yeah!) and others now. He’s an amazing guy.
I’d bet your hot end is clogged and needs to be replaced. Takes a few minutes and will most likely solve the problem. Your gear looks like my prints when my hot end clogged.
Changed to steel end, same result.
I did find out the issue… sort of strange
Had the firmware update performed, fixed some issues but NOW have to add 5 degrees to initial layer for it to stick, when before, used it stock 65. now at 70.
Wondering if temp sensor on plate is going, or off.
Thanks for everyone’s suggestions and help
I think they shifted some values to accommodate the new PEI plate and may have tweaked the other plates too.