Bamb Lab will launch a flagship in Q1, 2025


The new flagship 3D printer will add the active chamber heater feature, making it easy to print ABS filament, Nylon filament and PC filament.


Where is that information from? And isnā€™t that already the case with the P1S/X1?

X1 and P1 series have just an enclosure, not a heated one. The heat comes from the build plate only. Itā€™s not like with Qidi Plus 4 which does have a heated chamber, beside the heated plate.


Does anyone know what are the gold ticket winners they reference?

On the general topic: Iā€™ve been anticipating this sort of announcement given that they missed their traditional fall launch. This is a common trick marketers pull when they fear losing market leadership.

Hereā€™s how this time-tested marketing playbook works:

(click on Arrow to expand)

  1. You once led the market.
  2. Competitors have now outpaced you with more innovative products. Peopolyā€™s beltless magneto-linear printer and Qidiā€™s Plus 4 with a heated chamber and open architecture are just two examples that have likely rattled Bambulab.
  3. Youā€™ve been coasting, dealing with botched launches (A1 recall) and growing PR disasters, like your reputation for poor tech support.
  4. Your usual fall product launch is delayed, and now you need to buy time before users defect.

So the marketing playbook continues like this: In order to respond to this renewed competition, you panic and you release a vague statement about ā€œnew stuff,ā€ trying to generate buzz and stall buyers. If you had something ready, why not release it? Probably because your engineering team got out over its skis and overcommitted, and youā€™re unsure whether you can deliver on these promises. Itā€™s better to keep the public guessing than to reveal that behind door #1 was the donkey not the new car. (Ref: Letā€™s make a deal)

You also gotta just love this clichƩ doublespeak language from the twitter post:

Hereā€™s what itā€™ll take for me to stay with Bambulab over something like Qidiā€™s Plus4 or some yet unreleased sub $750 printer:

(click on Arrow to expand)

  1. A $700 price point Qidi is at $800.
  2. Nozzle temp support for all FDM filaments without upsells.
  3. Easily swappable nozzles, like on the A1.
  4. Bed temp supporting all FDM filaments.
  5. A heated chamber.
  6. A real air filtration system for safe ABS and ASA use in an office.
  7. Standalone operationā€”no more calling China for firmware upgrades on my own property. Allow offline upgrades, like the rest of the industry. What are you hiding?
  8. Full true HD cameras support.
  9. Unencrypted diagnostic logs. Again, what are you hiding?

I doubt weā€™ll see a $700 price point given the mention of ā€œpositioned above the X1ā€ for the ā€œProsumerā€ buzzword talk. $$$

Note: Itā€™s like Bambu discovered a new English Language buzzword that will somehow make the unsuspecting public believe ā€œOhā€¦ Iā€™m not just any Consumerā€¦ Iā€™m a (Pro)sumerā€ :sunglasses: Yeah, digital camera companies tried that once too, it worked for a while but now its a trigger word that indicates more likely that we are going to get overcharged.


In a way, Bambu has done us a favor, at suggested price point above the X1, it helps the decision process. I personally donā€™t want to spend more, I want more for what I spend.

I hope Iā€™m wrong, but given Bambuā€™s history of ignoring customer feedback, can we truly expect change? When they first launched the X1 and P1, they were enthusiastic and focused on customer service. Now, we have to send pictures with signed sticky notes proving our status as a customer just to get support three weeks after opening a ticket. Does that sound like a ā€œPro-Consumerā€ company? (Play on words intended.)


For another version of this topic, it was posted on Tomshardware.


So the printer should overshadow everything that has gone before and replace the X1C. I therefore expect the following improvements and that will probably be the reason why I buy it first.

  • no more artefacts on the outside caused by the axis drives.

  • possibly active vibration suppression, which could also be achieved with AI.

  • advanced calibration methods that determine exactly at which temperature and speed a filament can be printed best and has its highest colour fidelity.

  • Based on this, the temperature is controlled during printing; the temperature is adapted to the printing speed.

  • A mix of everything to improve print quality by avoiding critical speeds and accelerations and reducing the speed in certain scenarios so that the print is not affected.

  • And what was missing for a long time: active flow control. This ensures that the extruded filament quantity does not fluctuate. Fluctuating filament diameters are actively compensated for.

  • Significantly less warping using suitable print plates, perhaps glass. An intelligent control system that counteracts warping and possibly works with AI support with 4 cameras in the printer.

  • Double extruder to at least be able to print supports with other materials and largely prevent filament contamination. This ensures very smooth overhangs and large areas can now be supported cleanly without bridges sagging.

  • All in all, it will now also be possible to print at speeds of >1000mm/s in some cases and thus significantly reduce the printing time in order to complete prints even faster.

Letā€™s see how many of my suggestions Bambulab will implement immediately and publish in the next printer. :wink:


I can see another reason for the delay. Waiting to see how the Stratasys lawsuit pans out.

BTW, I noticed the Phrozen Arco has also been pushed to 1Q 2025. It was originally supposed to be released in July this year.


An interesting theory if Stratasys was trying to file an injunction but wouldnā€™t that have gone public in a major way?

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Depends on whether they want the use of said technologies banned or a licensing fee from users will determine what BL and other companies do.

If Stratasys wins any of the claims, then they have the precedent to go after EVERYBODY using the technologies theyā€™re suing BL for. Which included things like an AMS system, heated bed and other common technologies used in the industry.

I do know that a couple of them like the heated beds were used, at least in concept, before stratasys made them.

But precedents set in favor of a complainant gives them huge leverage over other companies in follow up suits.

I need to make a post in your thread on this.

These. Only 2 of us got em. Havenā€™t seen the other guy around anywhere since the contest.


Says it nowhere

and what did you get it for? what contest did you win?

Did you see the video I posted in the other thread?

A $750 price point and still a flagship printer is extremely unlikely, as they are pitching this as better than the X series. (I know you understand this.)

It looks like they might choose something more similar to the tool head printers and their associated price point.

It may mean the X series is reduced in price, and the same might be true with the P1S, finally removing the P1P.


Time will tell, and for now time is on our favor, as those interested do have the will and the money to purchase a printer (obviously, a much better printer) and the time on their side. Whether BL comes up, as promised, with their long rumored and awaited groundbreaking new flagship (and this passes the user expectations and tests) or not, it ainā€™t the issue here, as if yhey delay to long, or their fabled new wonder printer doesnā€™t deliver to users expectations, people willing to buy will simply go for one of the competitors machines.
As for the Stratasys lawsuit saga, from what I could find out, it hasnā€™t really started yet, and even if it did, it will be a good little while until a ruling will be made, so I donā€™t think Stratasys has any part in the BL launch delay. I also donā€™t think that the delay has anything to do with ā€œpolishingā€ the (whatever) new printer, rather thatā€™s the result of some last minute tests that have pointed out some tech or software issues not considered before. In my opinion, unless BL comes up with a new and complete innovative 3D printing tech that falls outside the Stratasys patent scope, we are still going to see on their new printer stuff and techology that has been patented already, thus subject to potentially additional litigation from ā€œotherā€ interested parties.
To conclude, users are impatient to see the next generation printer, to test it and see if it delivers as promised, yet users are also open minded (except for the hardcore fanboys) and will put their hard earned money on printers that serve them best, whether itā€™s BL, Qidi, Anycubic, Voron, Prusa, etc. And that gives the users their ultimate upper hand in relation with the 3d printer manufacturers: no matter how many promises they make, if they fail to deliver, users will take their business elsewhere and the manufacturers loose. Which is why I intend to keep my distance until such time when Iā€™m convinced that the new machine is reliable and trustworthy enough to spend my money on it.


They had a contest at the beginning of the year. The 2 winners will get the new flagship printer for free when it is released.

I think we will eventually know for sure, because im fairly sure some people were already testing it. After release the testers will probably tell us what was changed or added. My guess is that the industry moved faster than they thought they would and so they needed to add more value. Lets all hope they release it before something even better comes out. Or not.
Alot of users seem to want them to copy the prusa xl stategy, which I think is hilarious but I also agree. If they can make it affordable.

Thatā€™s awesome, congratulations!

If they donā€™t, itā€™s gonna be definitely their loss, as users wonā€™t have any reticence dropping them for the next best thing. I know Iā€™ll be doing it in a heartbeat, no second thoughts or guilt feelingsā€¦ after all, itā€™s not like Iā€™m getting it for free, Iā€™m paying for the bloody damn thing.

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@Qjo, now we know who you really are and where we can find you [Quinn Johnson, located in ā€œGlobalā€, Nowhere Rd, NoPlaceInParticular cityā€¦ Zip(pedy-zip)]ā€¦ Niceā€¦:laughing:


Hahaha. I ainā€™t scared. If someone were to come to my house, they better have level 4 plates :joy:.


and a 50 cal Gatling gunā€¦ Gotcha. :grin: