Bambu Lab X1 Specific G-Code

XY Skew Compensation in Bambu Firmware

 ^     B-------C
 |    /       /
 |   /       /
 |  A-------D

M1005 X<AC> Y<BD>

(1) e.g. you print a 100mm square and measure AC as 141.53 and BD as 141.31

(2) using these values add this gcode to the end of the Machine start G-code:

M1005 X141.53 Y141.31

(M500 will save the compensation factor to EEPROM)

(3) Print the square again and measure the diagonals.
(4) If ok delete the gcode from the Machine start G-code.
(5) Print another square to check the compensation factor has been saved.

After step (3) if there is still significant skew you can repeat steps (1)-(3) with the new measurements. A new factor will be applied to the compensation already saved in the firmware.
When satisfied with the result proceed to steps (4)&(5). (Remember to delete the gcode you added to the start G-code or it will continue to apply a new correction factor with each print!).

If you need to reset the compensation value:

M1005 I0

See this post on Reddit for the source of this information which was originally provided by Bambu Lab tech support. The post includes instructions from Bambu Lab and a calibration stl file for printing the square:

Bambu’s M1005 applies a different format for skew correction than Marlin’s M852 but it may also incorporate XZ and YZ correction which could be determined by experimentation.

See also this post on this forum.