Bambu Studio 1.10.0 Public Beta 2

This Beta verison (V1.10.0 Public Beta2) introduces new feature based on V1.10.0 Public Beta and includes several fixes according to user feedback.

Please note that this version is still in the beta testing phase. 3MF files generated with this version are not compatible with MakerWorld, MakerWorld will prompt you to re-upload files using the Bambu Studio Public Official version.

Learn more about all the changes implemented in the latest Beta version by reading the release notes on GitHub, where you can also download the latest beta version for testing.

Looking forward to everyone’s feedback, and bug reports, so we can further work on improving Bambu Studio!


I will definitely have to check this out once i’m on my PC. I’m excited to see what new experimental features there are :slight_smile:

Thank you for adding filament shrinkage, now a checkbox to “Apply to Z Axis” also would be great. I’ve found when printing in a 55C and above chamber, the part shrinks in Z also when cooling.

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A post was split to a new topic: Slicing Issues

Hello, I’m testing it, I love in particular the improved fuzzy skin and coordinate system.
When do you estimate 1.10 will exit beta?
I have some models that use fuzzy skin in my publishing line and have to wait for 1.10 to avoid the striping issue.

I installed Bambu studio 1.10.0 latest release today. Thanks for your continuous development. I’m using P1S Combo on latest firmware. I was so excited to see editing filament features during print is available in Bambu srudio 1.10.0 release notes. I tried to change filament settings several times during print today but Bambu studio still doesn’t let me change filament settings during print. Any ideas?

A post was split to a new topic: Release notes?