Set the filament types using the X1-Carbon AMS settings screen
Open Bambu Studio on home network
Check Device tab, see that AMS filament types are set correctly (they are)
Go to Prepare tab, select “Synchronize filament list from AMS”
Generic PLA, Bambu Basic PLA, and Generic PETG are listed correctly. All other filaments I have tried (Flexible PLA, Bambu brand PLA-CF) are listed as “Bambu ABS”
6a. Restarting Bambu Studio does not resolve the issue
6b. Selecting Print Plate with a filament listed as Bambu ABS does not allow me to choose the correct filament from the AMS on the “Send print job to” popup
6c. Setting the filaments by hand on the Prepare tab to match those listed on the AMS settings does not resolve the issue
Result: I am unable to print with any material that is not PLA or PETG
Edit: forgot to include screencaps of the situation
I know this is confusing, so hopefully I can help make some sense out of it. Bambu Studio doesn’t really care what settings are in the AMS. It uses the Filament you have selected on the Prepare screen to generate the G-code to tell your printer how to print using that filament. You should be able to click on the Filament list and scroll down to find the filament type you want to print (out of the list of presets). This is also how you use custom Filament presets that you have created. The preset Filaments you see on the drop down list are controlled by “Set filaments to use” which is accessed by clicking on the little gear icon next to the Synchronize Filament icon.
So I often leave my AMS settings on “Generic PLA” even if I’m going to print PETG (or LW-PLA which is what I’ve been doing a bunch of). In Bambu Studio, I will drop down the list of Filament presets and pick the one I want to use. When you slice the print, it will generate the G-code with the correct filament settings. And when you send the print file to your printer, it will print using this G-code and will totally ignore the AMS setting. Does this help, or am I making it more confusing?
it is not completly true - if you want to send a sliced file which used the type ‘PLA’ for example and in the AMS slot is ABS selected, Bambu Studio (or also the printer itself) will not let you select that slot for the sliced file. At least the type has to correspond.
If you save a custom filament preset with the type ‘PLA’ and on the AMS select ‘PLA’ as well but in reality using a different filament is another story. Nevertheless, I would be careful to completely ignore the types as there are maybe internal logics that may trigger some behaivors of the printer (if not yet, maybe in future updates).
You are absolutely correct! I just ran a test on my X1C and the base filament type does need to correspond. I clearly haven’t been paying attention when mixing filament types. I typically just pick Generic types in the AMS and then either select a specific preset in Bambu Studio that matches that type or select a preset that I have customized and saved.
CORRECTION: I have figured it out!
I had the 0.2mm nozzle loaded.
If I change to the 0.4mm nozzle, PLA-CF shows up normally again.
I suggest making a better error message for this:
Example: “NOTE: The filament of type $TYPE_HERE in your AMS is not compatible with your nozzle, please change the nozzle or filament type.”
I’m seeing the same problem with PLA-CF.
In the Device tab, it shows up as PLA-CF in the AMS.
But when I sync, I get an error about filament types and it shows up as ABS.
“There are some unknown filaments mapped to generic presets. Please update Bambu Studio or restart Bambu Studio to check if there is an update to system presets.”
I seem to recall not having this problem with this filament last month.
I am having the same problem with AMS identifying the position I have filament loaded. After reading all the posts on this subject, I am wondering if there is a real fix for this??? Gary
Same here, just got my P1S with the AMS last week. Have a lot of sync. problems like described in this trail. I am ONLY using Bambu Lab original spools and ONLY PLA Basic.
Looks like there is a lot of problems out there with the sync. issue. Furthermore looks like Bambu Lab do not have any real fix for the issue.
Bambu Lab please help and come with a prober solution asap.
Thanks in advance.
I think a lot of the general problems with this topic are expectations of how it should work vs how it does work.
First, in Bambu Studio from the device tab, make sure it reports as being successfully connected to your printer. I have found that when my computer goes to sleep sometimes BS cannot reconnect to the printer without restarting the application. Once confirmed connected, make sure the AMS status on the device page matches what is installed. If it does not match, make sure the AMS settings to “Update on inserting filament” and “Update on startup” are enabled. If the filament still does not match in BS or from the printer panel, a reboot of the printer is in order to power cycle the AMS. Sometimes the canbus communication of the AMS gets out of wack and is fixed by a simple reboot.
Once we have connectivity to the printer from Studio and the device tab status of the AMS is correct, we can focus on the prepare tab of Studio. It is not necessary for filament on the prepare tab to actually match reality, but it is convenient. You may not want them to match when working with a 3mf file from Makerworld until you have manually configured other aspects of your print. On the prepare tab you can have more or less filament defined than what you physically have. When you go to slice, your material type should match what you will be using, but the slot number and color do not have to match. During the sending of the print, BS will attempt to match the filament defined in the slice to what is installed based on color and type, but you have a chance to override before sending the file. As you collect custom filament definitions and calibrations, you will wind up doing a lot more manual massaging of what filament is shown on the prepare tab. I often have more filament shown than the 2 actual AMSs I have because I want to work on another project while a print is in progress or I have a few different rolls that routinely get fed from an external filament dryer instead of the AMS.
I think a lot of people expect the filament on the prepare to ever and only reflect what is in their AMS, and that is not explicitly how it is designed to work. There is a sync button to go retrieve that info (assuming what is mentioned above regarding the device tab is correct) which can be helpful in a lot of cases to more accurately visualize the setup of your print, but it is not necessary and at times is unwanted. For instance, synchronizing on a downloaded 3mf file can clear out other settings the designer included, so you may be better off just manually changing each filament item in the file rather than performing a sync.
Of note, on the prepare tab, make sure to click the settings cog on the right side of the filament section and make sure all appropriate filament types are checked that you plan to use. Bambu adds new filament types to this list all the time, and if you load a filament in the AMS that is not selected here it will not be available. Keep in mind that not all filament types are available for all nozzle types. So if you have a .2 mm nozzle selected you cannot use CF filament because the .2 is not hardened steel.
I think your correct on most accounts, thou for the user experience when you hit resync or sync all, it should do as directed and not spit off random errors, I like the first post forgot to change nozzle; back to 0.4, it was on 0.2 for some reason and that didn’t show up in the error, only spotted once read first responses post. As such the error checking needs some updating in Bambu studio, also with that why cant the printer just direct me on the screen to the error instead of giving me something to scan with my phone, the printer is after all connected the the internet.
This thread is a bit confusing for me. I would like to ask three questions that may help me understand this functionality.
First question. Is this the correct procedure to change filament:
Step 1. Usually I keep Bambu FIlament loaded in all four positions of the AMS. If I change a roll, I go to devices in Bambu Studio, click on the roll I wish to change then click on unload.
Step 2. I insert the new roll feed the filament till the motors pick it up, then click on the load button in Bambu Studio ->Devices
Usually at this point the AMS reads the RFID and the GUI under Devices reflect the proper filament.
Step 3. Then I click on the Prepare tab and click on Synchronize or Resync until the proper filament is displayed in the proper slot.
Please let me know if the Above steps are correct?
Second Question. Using Generic Filament:
Step 1. I unload filament from slot 1 of the AMS according to Question 1 above and then load the generic filament according as above.
Step 2. In devices I click on the edit button for the filament I just loaded and set it to the Generic Filament that matches what I loaded.
Step 3. Then as before I go into prepare and resync the filaments.
Are these above steps correct?
Third and final question. Replacing a Generic Filament with a Bambu Filament.
Step 1. I swap the generic filament for a Bambu filament according to my orignal questions in Step 1.
Problem: I would assume that after I onload the generic filament and replace with the Bambu Filament the AMS would read the RFID and reset the Filament type according in Bambu Studio. However what happens is that after the Bambu Filament is loaded Bambu Studio still reflects the Generic Type I previousely set.
Why and how can I get it to set according to the RFID???
Thank you.
*i was having this problem last night. Bambu studio wasn’t recognizing the paht-cf i had in my AMS. Turns out i had inadvertently changed the printer to an A1 instead of the X1C i actually have. once i reset the printer choice it worked like a charm.
I had the same issue after changing to the 0.2mm nozzle. The problem is that your filament presets you created were for the 0.4mm nozzle. You have to recreate them all for the 0.2mm nozzle or else when you select a vendor and type of filament in the Device tab it will give you that error when you try to sync/resync the AMS since there is no 0.2mm preset
Since a cpl of weeks I have the rare issue that if I download an str and I open it in Bambu I have to sync the colors. Normally that works but not so anymore lately.
In stead of sync, nothing happens, I have to hit device, in there I see the colors of my AMS and then go back to the prepare screen and hit again, sync or resync in order to get the correct colors listed.
TODAY I have a new fenomenon. After printing various prints using white I wanted to start up u new print but my white turned GREY in my AMS. Syncing, resyncin, swapping bays and resetting my printer (on/off) did not solve the problem. My white spool now thinks he is Grey WOKE?
Honest to God my AMS is now going Bananas, I started a print (insert a new role of Bambu Black) and hit print. Guess what, It is using another colour independently