Both studio and the X1C are on the latest firmware. Was working fine until today, there have been no changes to my network or computer. Studio will discover the printer but eventually times out and gives error code 1. I have followed all of the wiki troubleshooting steps.
What I have tried
Reinstalling studio
Disable windows firewall
I have heard of issues when using a ubiquti AP, I rolled back the firmware and no change
u using Win11?
after download of exe or zip, it doesnt matter, take care to allow File access. (right click - properties) otherwise some dll. etc. can’t get registered correctly… for ex. the network plugIn.
firewall dont need deactivated. it should work…
It is windows 10, Im not sure I understand which specific permission you are saying I need to grant but I just tried launching it as admin and still get the same result.
ok, u dont have this problem. otherwise a selection field on the right site is available.
did you tried to switch between LAN Mode and Cloud mode?
or in Bambu Studio log out and log In again, maybe it is a sync error.
the printer seems correctly working, because u get access via Handy app…
I can only guess. sorry…
Yeah i think ive fixed it for now but dont know the cause yet.
Out of pure fustration last night at 2am i crack and under WiFi In the controller i set it to Auto and not manual which i had setup a couple of years ago… Now since then it has been rock soild not one drop out… where as last week it would drop out every print… So now i intend to go back to manual and start setting things up again one be one and see if i can find the culprit…
If im successful ill report back… so nice to have it not drop out
I have the same issue on macOS.
Bambu Studio has this error every couple of seconds - it reconnects for a moment and then again this error, but the Bambu Handy app on iOS works seamlessly without any issues.
I tried OrcaSlicer - the same behavior.
I was able to get the place I bought it from to make an acception on my return period so Im just going to return it and go back to my trusty prusa, when it works the printer is great but I still have not gotten a response from tech support which is not acceptable for a closed sourcce printer that does not support USB printing.
Thank you very much! I’ve installed 1.8.3 from the GitHub and issue is gone
P.S. I thought that I was on the latest version , because when I hit “Check for update” button in the BambuStudio - it says that I’m already on the latest one .
Weird, that they dont post the latest release on their website. I assumed my windows install I was on the latest version based on that. But I did try the app image on linux and got the same result. Im still going to return it though this printer seems like PIA long term.
I UNCHECKED the “Enable 20/40 MHz Coexistence” box on my Netgear Orbi and on the Netgear Nighthawk we use. I can connect to the Bambu just fine over my wifi now.