Bambu X1C Chamber Temp Limit

Hello, i am printing an important part using ASA and any kind of warping is unacceptable, so i covered the X1C with a thick blanket and let the chamber heat up to 56C then i started the print but i didnt want to remove the blanket because it is a 20 hour print and i dont want it to get cold overnight. The chamber temp is 65C right now, and i am uneasy right now i dont want to harm my printer. Anyways i wanted to ask if this is bad for the printer, and what is the maximum acceptable chamber temp before harming the printer?

Nozzle : 0.4mm 250C
Bed : Textured PEI 110C

The X1E, which has a chamber heater, is limited to 60°C. I think that temp was chosen to protect the electronic components and the camera. I would consider adjusting or removing the blanket to let the chamber down a few degrees. Perhaps re-cover to slow heat loss after the print finishes.

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There’s at least one thread here about high temperature effects to the carbon rods. I don’t remember the temperature range where people would notice issues but there are effects at higher temperatures. People were seeing offsets appear in their prints from the extruder carriage sticking in places and steps being lost. Hopefully helpful. The carbon rods are a little bit of a weak spot for high temperature printing.

Thank you for the advice, will do this.

Thank you for the information this is helpful, hopefully the rods are not damaged by now :no_mouth: