Bed dissolves into first Layer?!?

Yesterday my P1P was delivered, first prints(benchy, cal cube, few small mounts) had no problem at all.
I then printed a bigger box for the poop chute and discovered a few, very small black dots in the first layer. Didnt think of much, black dots were quite easy to remove, cleaned the PEI sheet with water, than isopropanol and printed the lower part of a box. Came to this result:

Sheet is now completely blank, wtf happened??
Used the BambuLab Basic PLA with the appropiate setting.

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That seems highly unusual.

I received my P1P last week and I’ve almost gone through the whole spool of the Basic PLA (that came with the printer) without any problems. I will say I have not needed to clean the bed once since the prints are adhering perfectly and popping off with a slight flex of the build plate once it cools.

It also seems like there is discoloration of the build surface around where the print was. Are you sure you cleaned it with something that didn’t dissolve the PEI? Was it hard to get the second print off the build plate?

The discoloration is the glue which was included!
Print came Off normal. When I removed the cooled bed the Print came Off simultaneously.

I haven’t actually needed glue yet. I just clean the plate with Isopropyl Alcohol after printing and PLA seems to stick fine. Maybe for a small print I would use a little bit if it failed the first attempt, but I haven’t yet. The plate is double sided so hopefully the other side is still ok. Though you should be able to use the provided glue regardless.

Im really puzzled…
Im using the other Side without glue. Bed adhesion is fantastic.
BUT I also have very small black dots integrated in the First layer. The bed on this Spot ist smooth after that. That are really small pieces but I do not think that this Print bed will Last Long.
Already opened a Ticket and hoping to get a replacement bed. Here hast to be something way off

Did you check the bed temp? Is it calibrated?

If the bed temperature is good, then would not the plate be defective? Service ticket time?

Can you share a photo of the isopropanol bottle?

Had the same issue with my PEI plate - received my P1P 2 weeks ago. on both sides the surface peeled off. Opend a ticket, sent them pictures. At the end i received a voucher to order a new plate - which i did. The coating of the new plate is slightly different to my first one and i have till now no problems at all! I believe there is a problem with one charge of these PEI plates. Service was fast and there was no problem to receive the voucher fpr the shop!

@gus: Bed Temp was good, like in the settings for PLA. Auto-calibrated before print.

@GekoPrime: The Isopropanol is okay. I have ~10 Printers at home and use it with every print bed.

@ingo.noesslboeck: Thanks for that Info! Thats a relief :slight_smile:

I just opened a ticket(was sure I had it done last friday but I think I forgot to click on “send”…)

WTF!!! I better start printing. I hope the two I bought didn’t include a defective plate.

The 'ol sulphuric acid in the isopropyl alcohol bottle trick

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