Best method to access 5 spools with AMS

I am sure this can be done with a Y Splitter of one sort or another but I am looking for the most correct way to do this. If I want to leave all my AMS Lite spools alone and print from the A1’s spool holder, where is the best place to add a splitter and which splitter is the best for repeated connect and disconnect of the PTFE tubing, and the best place to tie it in. Near the hot end or near the AMS unit or in between?

It isn’t currently possible.

Using the AMS and the external spool within the same print isn’t possible with Bambu Studio.

No amount of PTFE tubing will solve the requirement.

I don’t want to use 5 filaments at once but rather leave the AMS loaded and print with a different color for example.

Apologies, for clarification, do you mean to shove 5 tubes into the 4 tube holes on the print head?

That one is possible-ish.

You could use these.

This is designed to allow you to route up to 4 things into 1 thing.

How you achieve the result.

  • Attach a small amount of new PTFE tube to ONE of the existing FOUR holes in the A1 series print head.
  • Attach the single outlet of the 4-in-1 adapter to the newly installed PTFE tube.
  • Hook up 3 of 4 of the AMS lite PTFE tubes to the remaining FOUR holes in the print head.
  • Hook up the 4th of 4 of the AMS lite PTFE tubes to one of the 4-in-1 adapter holes.
  • Hook up the external Spool to one of the three remaining holes in the 4-in-1 adapter.

This will let your AMS flow into the printer with the same ease it always has.

You will need to manually push the external filament into the external PTFE tube each time you need it, but, you will not need to uncouple anything.

I guess that is one way but I was thinking maybe just one Y connector tapped into an existing AMS PTFE tube where it could be pretty much permanent and only used when needed. I could have swore I seen something like that on Maker World. Your way sounds pretty good but I was thinking it could be done with just one Y splitter.

Yeah there’s lots of y splitters on maker world for this exact purpose.

Replace the 4-in-1 PTFE adapter I mentioned and use a Y-splitter.

You will need the PTFE compression adapters for a secure fit, two at one end and one at the other, 3 in total. You can purchase a 3-pack.

That will save you £1, but there is more work to do.

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So where is the best place to tie one in as far as proper operation when the AMS Lite filament is retracted? How far does the AMS Lite retract the filament so it’s out of the way for the other external filament to be inserted?

You can see the filaments at the top of the print head, it is around a few millimetres above the print head.

If you load a darker filament you can see the gap.

It is as much as is required to allow another one to pass through.

Ok, so I would likely have to pull the filament out of the way manually as I couldn’t get the connection that close to the print head. That is what I was wondering. So I guess mounting the Y splitter pretty close to the print head would be the best place for it, correct?

That was the ish part.

As noted.

Yes, as mentioned.

Use the 4-in-1 or y-splitter.

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I don’t own the ams lite so can’t comment on retraction but typically the y splitter is quite close to the print head, in pictures I’ve seen.

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That looks good.

Yeah, that one does look pretty good. I was just looking at Maker World and most of the Y Splitters require removing or almost removing the filament that is currently loaded from the AMS Lite. This one in the pic looks like less retraction is warranted and that is what I want for ease of use. There sure are a lot of Y splitters on Maker World. :smile:

:bulb: Bonus Tip!:bulb:
To ensure the PTFE tubes stay firmly in place, apply a tiny drop of
superglue at these specific points.:point_down:

That part is disappointing.

It is why I explained…

I do not like the idea of glueing everything together.

There are merits in buying the right tool for the job.

It should be possible to scale it down slightly to get more of a press fit. At least in theory.

Hello everyone, I’m new here, I designed a Y connector where the PTFE tubes are screwed into the integrated printed thread. So far the tubes are holding well.

Me neither but you can always print a new splitter and replace it if you need to. But PTFE compression adapters are better. I will keep looking for a good option.

Do you have a link? There are so many to choose from but a lightweight version that doesn’t add a bunch of weight to the print head is best.

yes of course, I hope the link works?

The PTFE tube on the side of the extruder can be cut shorter than shown in the photos