Best/worst re-spoolers 2024? Please share GOOD & BAD recommendations

I am looking for a 3D printed re-spooler contraption that works reliably and spools filament onto a second spool as neatly as a manufacturer’s spooling machine. Is there such a model published that works better than a Pastamatic?

Please share your GOOD and particularly your BAD experiences, including re-mixing mods.

These models use a lot of filament to print, and I read countless posts by people disappointed by the results after their efforts to print a large device. The most downloads clearly does not imply the most efficient re-spooler.


The best I could find was the Jarvis Winder. And even that doesn’t seem to work as good as I would like it. The newer Jarvis Pro Winder looks better but isn’t open source.
So I fear there currently isn’t a really satisfying solution available for hobbyists.

Thanks. I’ve updated my request to say I’m looking for a 3D printed spooler model - something like a Pastamatic, but hopefully better.

The Jarvis Pro Winder is a 3,300 EUR product.

Yes Jarvis Pro is not for personal use. But Jarvis non-pro is open source, so you can build one yourself at much lower cost.
I don’t think that there exists anything really useful that you can just print.
You need to fine tune the winder to the exact width of the spool and the diameter of the filament. You also want controlled constant tension. That is just not possible with a purely printed device but necessary to achieve the quality of winding you are asking for.

Even the Jarvis Pro is possibly far from what manufacturers use. The predecessor seems to work but to have problems with tension control. Building a Jarvis non-pro is probably the closest you will realistically get to neatly rewound spools.

Thanks @Alex_vG - I found the Open Source plans at GitHub - QiTech-Industries/Winder: Filament winding machine powererd by ESPdruino.

This looks great but I was hoping for something simpler - kinda like a Pastamatic or V3 Spooler or Bambu Lab Filament Spool Switcher & Winder that spooled the filament more precisely on the target spool.

Every one of the mechanical spoolers has multiple remixes that claim to solve various problems, so it is tricky to find the most efficient model.

Combination of this:

and upgrades from this guy:

I tried a couple others and I don’t like the lead screw ones. They don’t wind tight enough or don’t work at all and bounce around. Overall I’m happy with this respooler.

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