I was watching a video on the " BIQU Panda BuildPlate CryoGrip Pro for Bambu X1/P1/A1 Printers - Double-Sided 7-Layer Composite with High Magnetic Spring Steel, Low Energy Printing" has anyone used this plate before, looks very impressive in the video, but I can’t find a lot of real world reviews for this. and is it even necessary? I have had a few “too little contact with build plate” issues before, but a brim usually resolves that or even just changing the orientation. That being said, the one video I did watch regarding this build plate looks very impressive.
If you search here for “cryo” you’ll find several threads about them. I haven’t tried the build plates but I have the “Panda Jet”, “Panda Claw”, “Panda Branch”, “Panda Lux” and “Panda Revo”… the Revos are the only ones I’m happy with, the rest are either not needed or garbage.
I got the smooth one now and it works fine, it’s meant for all filaments, the Cryogrip Pro PLA/PETG is too much of a cost and pain to use. I have lots of 3rd party plates and the smooth ones work just fine.
Installed their machined extruder gears on P1S and A1 and they work and should last a lifetime.
Waiting for the 12th to see the new BBL plate offering.
Got the jet before they made a different one and am not paying for saving a tiny bit of weight.
Everyone has to remember that if it’s not an official E3D/BBL collaborative effort then the results will be different.
Not wasting anymore $ on BTT, Panda Power so that I can shut it off and I’m sure that they are all compatible with their other products for the Voron crowd.
Not buying the new offering so I can spend $150 on a diamondback ruby nozzle.
Go for the Glacier if you are looking to buy one.
Can you elaborate on which of these are in the “garbage” category?
BTT is basically not putting quality as one of the attributes in their Panda Line. I second his opinion.
I would put the “Panda Lux” and the “Panda Jet” there. Just about everything else would fall in the “Not Needed” category. I still like the Panda Revos but I did have to print some small ducts to get air in the print head to mitigate the heat creep.
OH, forgot to mention that they will leave you high and dry after the intial 30 days is up.
The branch is useless on the P1 series.
Fystec did the “Claw” better.
Will say that when the touch works, it works well with the pwr.
The Lux is dimmer than a left behind 6th grader, and the included expansion board is dense if it can’t be used.
The Hub is useless as the USB barely provides enough power to the Touch.
The Jet is absolutely no better than the stock shroud.
The Revo is ok…ish. Expensive.
Haven’t tried the plate, but I have a feeling it won’t last. Hope I’m wrong for those that purchased it. The Jetpack shaves some grams, but is that really needed on a BL?
I could go on. I’m no longer a fan of BTT.
They just announced the “Panda Extruder” also, and I’m not quite sure what it’s supposed to accomplish? Maybe also shave a few grams? It looks like at this point they plan to just re-make each part on the Bambu printers so suckers (like me) would buy them. About the Revos, I would only recommend them to a small subset of people. Those people being ones who have Revo hotends on several other non-Bambu printers and have amassed a collection of nozzles already. If you don’t fall in to that group there are better options (like your sweet, sweet Diamondback).
Yeah, they’ll come out with the side and rear covers, a new fan, call it Panda Panda. Like Little Ceasers it’ll be cheap.
I want to like my Panda. I want it to work. Right now if I suspend the plug a little upwards it works, but not if it’s bumped. I could buy the charging board for $15-20 but I don’t feel like I should have to.
No, you shouldn’t have to. I keep seeing pictures where people just mounted tablets or phones on their P1S/P1P and I wonder if that’s the way to go.
About the fans, I wish Fabreeko would make some Honeybadger fans with the Bambu plugs on them. I actually bought a couple of their 5015s with the plans to solder a Bambu connector on… then I realized the Bambu fans are double wide where the air comes out and the Honeybadgers aren’t. I found an adapter STL but it doesn’t line up perfectly.
I am wondering if I can print PLA or even better PETG with the BIQU Panda BuildPlate CryoGrip Pro with the door closed and the top cover closed?
I use these two filaments the most and would like to buy the P1S because of the fully enclosed case, but if I have to have the door open and the top cover removed then I don’t really need a fully enclosed printer
I do have Cryo Grip and its a beast holding all my prints on place. Sometimes its very difficult to take detail off the plate. Tried PLA ja PETG.
I bought the smooth version to use with nylon. In my experience, it doesn’t improve grip compared to the others I have, and it’s equally necessary to use an adhesive stick.