Blender Multicolour BambuStudio Gcode Importer

Following on from the discussion in this thread

As requested by @SithJedi and @Goldjunge491 I have uploaded a version of my addin - which is an enhancement of an earlier work by K Nunley to GitHub as a fork against his original addin here.

NB/ I am a bit of a novice with Github - so the way I have uploaded it may need to be improved.


Oh really cool, thanks for sharing it and great Job. I will try it this week.

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Created short demo video of how to use the add-on


I posted this on github, but since you said you are not really into git, I will repost this here.

I am more interested in using this plugin to create a static render, instead of a time-lapse, to be used as a show off picture of a model, to go along with actual printed pictures. Maybe there is a companion script that creates a basic table or render-able desk, and then show the imported gcode model on top of it. Any ideas?

Sorry didn’t get notified about the issue you raised on github - will look at my settings.

The easiest thing to do if you just want to render a single frame with the whole print in it is to just scroll to the end of the timeline.

Will look into how you add an options screen into the addin

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@Ukdavewood by the way which version of Blender have you tried this with. It failed with latest version 4.2

Thanks for pointing out the issue. The previous version worked ok with v4.0.2 - but they seem to have made a change to blender past v1.4.8 which broke it.

I recreated a problem with alt_navigation parameters in V4.2.2 - and have now fixed it in the GitHub to remove that parameter.

I have tested it on Mac version 4.0.2 and windows v4.2.2 and it seems to be working again ok.

Best to uninstall it and then reinstall it - the new version mentions v1.0.1 in the File Import description too.


Thanks that worked, I am working on a good scene to make a good render.

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Made a few enhancements to the addin over the last few days.
There is now a version that supports direct import from gcode.3mf plate sliced files.
This new gcode.3mf version also has much better support for G2/G3 Arcs.

Example output attached


Some fairly realistic print demo’s using a slightly refined version of the addin which I will publish at some point.


On one side this is absolutely amazing and I want to learn blender to be able to use it not only to model but also to do those renders/timelapses. On the other - how can one differentiate between a real photo and photorealistic render when judging whether a “real photo” in print profile is actually real?

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Looks great, can you start using the release tag feature of github to make it easier to get notified when you make updates?

Also can you check in the blend for the demo above with the full printer, lights, etc?

Ok, Will look into how to do release tags if I release any further versions.


Can you also share you blend file of the above example?