so I have a clog problem with my P1P that I just can’t solve. I had a clog (for the first time since I had this printer, actually) while trying a new filament. I went to the wiki and checked all the steps, heated the tool, inserted it and so on. I also inserted the clog tool from the bottom, to check, whether the nozzle is free. It seems it is.
However, the yellow wheel on the extruder is not turning correctly. It lags and stutters and I have no idea what is going on. I event removed the extruder and cleaned the small cogs a little, that are inside. The big yellow one also spins perfectly fine, until I put it in the printer. Naturally, no printing is possible, since it skips every few inches. Any idea what this is or how to solve it?
Once you have unmounted the extruder, you can completly unassemble it by removing a coupple of screews (not that much), you will probably find a piece of filament some where it should not be and wich stuck the extruder.
I had to do this once, and the good news is that extruder is pretty easy to fully unasssemble. And it was stuck due to a little piece of breaked filament.
Ok, so I was able to take the extruder apart and confirm that there is absolutely nothing in there. The cogs spin fine. When I tried to manually move the parts it went through no problem. So I think that the problem lies with the hotend. However, I still have no idea, how to unclog it… I tried heating the tool and inserting it, I tried inserting the clog tool from the other side (going through fine), I heated up the nozzle to about 250 and tried pushing through (also works fine)…
The interesting thing is, that it pushes out the filament just fine. But after a while, when the clog happens and the yellow cog seems to be stuck, it starts pushing the filament out slightly to the right… (see picture).
I did a cold pull too, but made a better tool to insert and pull. I put a reduction about 6 mm long in the tip so that I had a longer section bonded to the filament.
I printed with some PETG… this was on the X1C… and then on the next print - part way through it hot messed up.
it would extrude but slowly. I tried to unclog with the pin provided with the kit. some petg came out and then it extruded fine for 2" and then slowed down again…
tried all sorts of things… nothing fixed it.
then I did a cold pull. some stringy krap came out - fibers etc… 1/4 to 1/2" lonng… getting them out solved it perfectly. Appears the PETG (not bambu brand) had some contaminant in it that clogged the extruder.
once I cleared it with the cold pull - zero issues since.
no other means of unclogging was able to get them out - except for the cold-pull method
So a short update: A cold pull worked! As @wally.malicky said, nothing else worked.
Just an FYI for everyone having the same issue: I did the cold pull as described here. At first, I wasn’t sure it was working. I was expecting to pull out some of the filament, that originally caused the clog, but I did, in fact, pull out the current filament. I kept heating to 220° and extruding to the point where the filament would get stuck, then cooling down to 100 / 90 / 80 (at the lowest) and pulling. I thought it was not working, since it kept getting stuck, but lo and behold, after the sixth or so time it went through. I was half expecting it to be stuck again, but after I extruded a lot of filament manually and it didn’t get stuck I tried to do a print and it is working!
So don’t give up through the process like I almost did. Just keep doing it until it works!
I have a similar problem with my X1C. I’ve been printing computer cases with ASA for months without any problems. Approx. 50 pieces. For a week I have had to stop almost every print because at some point the filament no longer goes through the hotend. At the same time, the extruder is clogged, so I have now completely dismantled it ten times and cleaned the hotend with a cold pull. After cleaning, the gears are free again and can be turned easily. Nevertheless, everything is blocked again the next time I print.
I have now replaced the entire hotend and installed a new one. I also lowered the print temperature by 5 degrees and the bed temperature by 10 degrees. I always use the same material from the same manufacturer. I’ve never had to change the print settings on the 50 cases I’ve printed so far. There were no failures and no visual defects. However, for a few days now no printing has been possible without a blockage and the extruder is blocked with shredded filament. There is no error message.
Maybe it will take multiple cold pulls like the poster above you stated in his post. He also linked a wiki. Did you try that procedure to unclog your nozzle?
Have you tried a different filament? Or a different nozzle? I also dis- and reassembled the extruder a few times, but in the end, the clog was in the nozzle and I had to pull it out with the cold pull.
If everything else fails, I guess Bambu support is your remaining option. If you ever do solve this, I’d be interested to know, what was causing the issue.
I had three new nozzles here, which I have now tried out. I opened two identical filament rolls and tried them out. Always the same result. It prints perfectly until there is no more filament at approximately the same level.
As a final attempt, a print is currently running with a new hotend, complete with a new fan, ceramic heater and temperature sensor. I am excited.
I did a cold pull and it worked fine for 1 print and then it went back to getting clogged again after around 3 hours into a new print. Any tips or do I need to replace the nozzle?