Cannot disable clumping detection after 3rd layer?

How to disable this completely on A1 mini?
I disabled it in settings on the printer but in several prints Bambu Studio generates g-code that on the 3rd layer moves the head to the rear back part of the bed.
There is no option to turn it off in the Bambu Studio Print Options.


Hi @acn,

Welcome to the forum.

I don’t own an A1, so I don’t have a chance to test.
To remove that procedure, you must edit the printer’s g-code.
The specific code is within the printer time lapse g-code section:

Note that there are risks associated with messing with printer g-code, so I don’t advise you to do it unless you are familiar with g-code.

Take a look at this thread:


I am also having this issue. I have tried everything from a factory reset, firmware rollback, and removing the app and software from my phone and PC. Nothing has stopped this.

I have modified the timelapse Gcode and it does fix the problem, but this is a bandaid at best because it is not a real fix. You will have to redo the Gcode fix if you load unmodified settings.

From my examinations so far. the Studio slices the object with all of the timelapse travel motions. When you run a print with timelapse off the printer does not make those tavel moves. BUT, it does run the 3rd layer clump detection that is in the Timelapse Gcode.

If you delete or add false && to the begining of the Gcode it will properly slice the object on the plate without the timelapse travel moves.

I have no Idea how this changed on my printer, but it was not functioning this way for the first few weeks of it operating. But once the change happened this hack is the only work around, I have found.

It would be nice if this could get more attention.

Edit - I would also like to add that the Gcode has some firmware specific code.

M1002 judge_flag timelapse_record_flag

M1002 judge_flag g39_3rd_layer_detect_flag
M1002 judge_flag g39_detection_flag
M1002 judge_flag g39_mass_exceed_flag

All of these seem to be calling for a check on current state of these setting to then act accordingly.

If this is the case then M1002 judge_flag g39_3rd_layer_detect_flag is not fuctioning as intended.

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What did you change in g-code, that check of layer_num variable?
I think this is a bug and it can affect the print.
Still don’t get why is the clumping detection tied to the timelapse :slight_smile:
EDIT: There are more topics on this problem…

Hey acn, I’ve been in contact with Bambu-support and they hard-coded the clumping detection. I tried to explain that if there’s an option, one should be able to choose and not be forced to have this switched on. They just acknowledged it, said sorry and goodbye.

I have tried working around this by tinkering with the start g-code but could not get this to stop. I’m currently running Beta, the pre-stupid version of BambuStudio on my A1Ms (which apparently are the only ones doing this) to avoid the gaps, zits, tears this creates on some prints.

My P1S runs the newest Version of BambuStudio.

To run different versions ob BS *this abbreviation always makes me laugh, especially when talking about things that do not work, or not like they’re supposed to XD Back to topic: Just install the one you’re most likely to use as normal .exe and then download the one you would like to use additionally as zip. Then Unzip that folder and run the software from there. I created two shortcuts, New and Old version onto my desktop and run the one I need.

Its not the solution, but a good workaround and I don’t think they will ever fix this, because to them, it’s not a bug, but a thing they did on purpose.

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You can still use the newer version of BS* you just open the settings window for the printer and nozzle presets and go to the machine code tab. Remove the timelapse Gcode and save as a user preset.

I see in the github repository under an issue listed about this they state that even if turned off the third layer clump detection will still run. That is a real shame. Hopefully they won’t remove this work around. I must admit not getting a good vibe from this.


Thanks @NVNDO and @Wyseman76
I’m not going to bother with reporting a bug, it’s been done and it seems Bambu is not interested in fixing it. Will try to remove/change the g-code because I don’t use timelapse. That piece of code inside timelapse section seems to be functional because when printing by object it skips 3rd layer clumping detection.
When I bought this Bambu printer I was expecting more of a plug&play but here I am 2 months later editing g-code :slight_smile:
There are some other problems with it like on some prints it likes to scratch on the infill, nothing helps and that is another Pandora’s box yet to be opened but I’m going offtopic here :slight_smile:

I feel you. Same here. It was plug&play at the very beginning and turned a little sideways. I hope Bambu finds its way again…

What I find annoying the most, is that when speaking with support, they did not give me any alternative solution. If the solution is that easy to just erase timelapse gcode, then why won’t they tell me / us?! That’s what I find annoying the most.

@Wyseman76 May this Username be the real thing and you have found what we were all looking for?! A link of that Github repository would have been great to see what else people had to say.

When I talked with support, they did not say a thing about this having anything to do with timelapse, I even asked them and the answer was, no it’s a filament clumping- protection to ensure filament is correctly loaded.

Just erased the entire timelapse gcode and the flaw is gone! Wow… so easy.
Thank you so much.

In regards of off-topic: The scratching of infill usually happens with Grid.
On small objects that does not happen, but larger ones tend to scrub. Try using Cross Hatch or Gyroid. They provide very good structural stability. Or any other infill.

It’s not related to grid infill.
Take a look at this topic:

It is a little better with settings from that post, but “Reduce infill retraction” tends to increase stringing, especially with petg. Still I get nozzle scratching on the print, especially if the print is larger. It’s either a bug in slicer so it sometimes doesn’t lift the nozzle or my printer has some hardware problem.

Are you sure you are in Traditional timelapse mode?

For me, the stringing problem is always related to the humidity of the filaments.

@acn I had this same issue about clumping detection. Simply pressing resume w/o doing anything else would complete the job without further issue. Thinking back to when it started happening, what I ended figure out was one of the “add ons” I printed was the culprit. I had printed out the hinged tool tray that sits on top of the flat surface above the display and screws into the z axis support. screwed on A1 Mini tool storage box with lid by Kri - MakerWorld . I think because it was so close to the heat bed and pretty much the same level as the heat bed, when the “clump detection” happened, it would sense the toolbox and think the filament was clumping. This appears to have been confirmed by the author in the description; but I still had an issue with mine. I think mine got heated and warped and moved too close to the heat bed… so I just removed it completely. Not sure if this is your issue or not, but just wanted to pass it along.

This function is stored in the gcode and cannot be deactivated. Bamboo doesn’t want that. I’ve already complained to support about this ■■■■ but they think it’s so useful that it can’t be deactivated.