I can’t download models at all without login in, witch i used to be able to, and after i login i am limited to a specific number, less then 10, and then the download button simply doesn’t do anything.
After it stops working i have cleared history and cache and tried again, did not work, i tried a different browser did not work i even used a VPN and no change, either log in or not.
What is the point of having the profiles as a major selling point of the whole ecosystem when i can’t even download the files that i want ?
When MW first opened you go download without Login, but AFAIK that changed over a year ago.
As for download limit, I’ve never hit that…but I have hit the Preview Profile limit a few times. One of my Firefox Addons shows a popup (NoScript) and I have to clear it…then I see the Puzzle Piece I have to set in order to continue.
That just makes me more confused, i was able to download from the site without login until about 2 weeks ago, for a maximum of 5 models, now i can’t download past a specific number no matter if i use chrome or firefox while log in, but after making the post i tried the thru the bambu studio and i have no limits, after i log in.
It looks like a daily limit per account online for what reason i have no idea
Protect creators ? Maybe they should do something about the dozens of people who are uploading copies of Radical Makers clamp model on to the site, on top of every other popular design on other platforms that somehow end up here.
As for knowing what i download and what i print i am not sure what the relevance is for that specially considering that i mostly use LAN mode only and i primary use ORCA instead of Studio.
And i download because i used to bookmark, i would look thru the different sites and any model i found that i liked i would bookmark it and then when i had the time and the filament i would go over the models and choose what to print, this allowed me to have all the models that were going to be printed in PETG, for example, lined up so i wouldn’t have to change spools all the time, but models keep getting deleted, specially on Thingiverse, and the way back machine doesn’t work on most of these sites, that is why now i just mostly download the models i like and i bookmark the pages of the creators, just the other day the first model i ever printed after the benchy got deleted.
And don’t patronize me, with the son ■■■■, I’m probably older than you.
i think this is happening to me. I download few different models without issues and then several other different models do not allow me to download at all. I try to download any of the file types without being about to.
If it’s like me, after a number of downloads/time the download just stops working, almost like it becomes inactive.
If you just want to solve the problem, in the sense of downloading the models without issues just use bambu studio, log in search for the model that you want and then click open and download, this will open the file but since it will also download it you can just exit the prepare page by pressing the home icon and keep searching for more models.
a DL limit?
Did not know that and that honestly sounds pointless. I think i only DLed like 5 files or something. Def under 10 files.
I would understand a DL limit for no logged in users but for users?
In regards to the file i linked to, its not directed at that specific file or anything. Just that that happeded to the the file which i could not DL after i DLed maybe 5 other files
I believe the download limit relates to the effect on the maker balance and, thus, makes it prone to bot use.
The limit is five without a login, but I never exceed the daily one to know the logged user limit. Why does one need so many print profiles? Multiple printers? (PS: I am not criticising; I am just curious.)
The last time I read a user report the problem, he stated that he received a message informing him that he exceeded the daily limit.
Another issue you can have is if you are using a private VPN, as you may be sharing the address with others and thus be suspicious.
I am downloading the files from different designs. Yesterday, I DLed the files from 5 or so different designs. When i went to my 6th design i wanted to DL, nothing happened. I would press all DL types (.stl, 3mf ) and none of them would DL.
i did not count but i guess i DLed 5 different files then DL issues happening
I would only DL the files from 1 design once and move on
You can browse through for hours, opening models you like in tabs, then go through to save them only to have nothing happen after you save 3 or 4, literally 50 more pages of models you would like to save for later, but you cant do it.
Why is it all these Chinese eco systems are so bloody frustrating.
Actually really pisses me off how stupid this is.
If you lose the net, and want to print something, too bad???
Very helpful. And how does one not act like a bot?
Maybe by sending bambu labs thousands of dolars for a printer and supplies?
Or by using the same account you sent those thousands to log on to MakerWorld?
An account verified through payments and address details?
Or is there another step needed to verify?