Card Contest Spammer

We have a new user spamming the card contest. When I read what comment he wrote under one of my models in the contest, I decided that it was not worth even replying to him.
When I saw that he commented the same thing almost under everyone in a viral models, I decided to open this here. I think a newly registered user with 4 downloads on his profile does not have the moral right to spread hate in this community.

And to you, prince, I want to tell you that this is not the way to become popular by coming in here with horns in front.

The 3D community is known for its positivity, and we’ll do our best to keep it that way.

I believe that we will all teach you a good lesson for “Welcome” by showing you that it is not done that way, and that it is not a nice thing to do on your side.

Some of the models with that spam:


But he’s just too funny🤣


He commented the same stuff on my kit card too, 3D Prince must be stopped.


I really laughed out loud :joy:

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:yes I am a man, and I am not a conceited fool


How to make friends and influence people. STEP 1. Don’t be this guy :roll_eyes:


I also got that copy & paste comment from him. I just responded that he will be quite busy this weekend :stuck_out_tongue: …and of course I copied & pasted this to his second comment as well*gg


I added another comment to him:

no it doesn’t. there is no limitation of what a kitcard can be. I don’t know whether you are a native speaker (I’m not) but your interpretation is absolutely wordy. the sentence you are relating to is driven out of the context because it’s just a phrase that says cards are not only toys and can be even more than that.
the rules also say that:

“There are no limitations on the theme or subject matter of the kit card designs. Participants are encouraged to let their imagination run wild and create designs that reflect their unique style and vision.”

do me a favour and stop bothering people with your misinterpretation. whatever else you want to argue → keep it for yourself - noone is interested. for me the debate is over and just a waste of time.

He also wrote that under my models. Just report him and hope that Makerworld will remove it.

oooh - I got one too. Glad I saw this before responding. See if I can get more info on why it’s a toy. :slight_smile:

I see your point of view

I think popularity is not the point.

the thing is, if BBL did not really mean for the designs to be “versatile tools” then they should not have put it in there in the first place.

do you think that BBL kit card entries should not be versatile tools?

even though BBL explicitly stated… “they are versatile tools that combine aesthetics with functionality”?

should BBL simply delete that line now midway through the contest, after many creators were relying on that verbiage to guide there design choices fore their respective kit card entries?

I don’t think it is fair to the creators that entered this contest with an entry that stays within the design details set forth to have them changed mid way through the contest.

because the creators that relied on the verbiage in the contest design details could have simply added a frame and fake casting sprues connecting the “card” frame to any model and called it a kit card from the beginning!

so the logical remedy is to simply not award the the errant entries but also some one should at least warn them that they are being miss lead by the example of many who (though popular) simply are not staying within the design details set forth in the contest so that they too can have a chance of winning.

its also clear that the judging criteria does not state that popularity in likes or downloads will determine the winner either. wont it be disappointing for people topping the trending list to be all losers except perhaps the lock picking kit card?

there are some very cool designs in this kit card contest that simply should not be in this kit card contest but it seem that BBL is enjoying all the model uploads and does not want to stop people from uploading new models to there all new model platform.

the point is that in the design details set forth for this contest in the first line of the first page about the contest says that “kit cards” are “versatile tools”

none of the entries that you are complaining about int this forum are tools at all!
let alone versatile tools.

wouldn’t you be disappointed if the judges award all the top prizes to people who submitted entries to this kit card contest that stayed within the design details set forth in text of “kit cards are versatile tools” from the beginning? and no one told you because you joined the losers of the competition (who may be the popular majority that made admittedly cool stuff) that simply did not function as a versatile tool at all?!?

many seem to think BBL kit card contest copied printables kit card competition
actually a lot of the entries in this BBL kit card contest are exactly the same as printables contest entries. but the verbiage of the BBL contest is clearly different. printables basicaly said to make a toy into a card with out requiring it to have any functionality as a tool…

if you got it comment from me pointing out that your model is in the kit card contest and it is not a tool at all. at least I had the courage to warn you if it turns out that BBL judges according to their own design details they set forth and you end up being losers.

you are free to ignore the design details and rules they set forth if you wish I would not turn you away from entering the contest if I were BBL

and frankly BBL is free to ignore the verbiage of their own design details and rules they set forth.

I think they should judge according to the design details and rules that they set forth in text because many in good faith submitted entries that stayed with in them. and it would lack integrity to bend the rules simply because a wave of entries went out of bounds!

look at how many phone stand entries there are they are all designed to be functional versatile tools. if BBL did not say “kit cards are versatile tools”, don’t you think many of those creators would have simply made some thing they thought would be popular like the examples of the winners of the contest? for sure they would have made some awesome toy and added a frame around it and called it a kit card.

this is not the contest and BBL should stick to their own kit card design details and rules when judging. doing otherwise would lack integrity because it would betray their own community members that relied on their own kit card contest design details and rules when they worked hard to come up with an entry that faithfully followed the design details and rules BBL set forth.

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This is Makerworld’s fault. They would have better called this contest the “Card Phone Stand Contest” to avoid confusion.

Card phone stands are certainly an outstanding example of “originality and creativity”, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many of them in this competition, right?

I made one a couple of years ago which I haven’t published yet, should I add it too?

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From greeting cards and invitations to informational brochures and product packaging …

In my estimation, anything that can be included with an “invitation”, “greeting card”, “informational brochure” or “package” will serve as a “tool” to make these things more interesting.

It is certainly not without reason that they said:

There are no limitations on the theme or subject matter of the kit card designs.

I would add it if it is an original and versatile tool as a phone stand.

I use phone stands all the time I love them.

maybe I will like yours better than my own and use it too.

if you basically copied some one else design (like changed the skin or colors or logos) then no don’t upload it that would be dishonest because it would not truly be an original design even though it may be a versatile tool as a phone stand.

I should have used irony tags on my post…

the sentence you are relating to is a phrase and completely driven out of context. there is no reason to take this seriously. read the “theme” part → there are NO limitations…

this discussion leads to nowhere and is over (for me).

look at the top trending models in the BBL kit card contest

are any of them Greeting cards? or invitations? or informational brochures? or product packaging?

maybe they are finished products but many are not cards at all so how can it be a kit card?

and the theme is a theme it still has to be a Card if its going to be a kit card.
there could be unlimited themes but there can not be unlimited designs otherwise you can design anything and call it a kit card.

sports is a theme for example

does that mean I can design a NBA airless 3D basket ball model and embroider the other wise finished product of a real life size basket ball with a frame and connect it to the frame with thine 3D printed attachments and call it a kit card because the theme is unlimited? no of course not.

the theme of basket ball sports would be fine but the design would obviously not be with in the design details and rules set forth by BBL for this kit card contest

even if I put on the basket ball I love you grandma and said it was a kit card because it contained a greeting it still would not be a kit card as per BBL.

They are saying that “kit cards” in general are a specific type of designs that can be very versatile, because you can literally put anything you want inside of them.
They are not saying “what’s inside a kit card must be a versatile object”, they are just describing what a kit-card is, which is a tool, a means you can use in a versatile way for any project. They NEVER SAID that what’s inside a kit card MUST be useful or versatile.

I invite you to retreat the accusation comments on our models, and i invite you to write your future concerns on the makerworld FORUM, people’s models comment section it’s not made for this type of discussions.

themes are unlimited

for example basket ball is a theme

an actual basket ball is not a card because of its design

the design is limited to cards

the cards theme is not limited

theme and design are not the same thing

Also a phone stand is not a versatile object. You can literally only use it as a phone stand lol

you can use it in different orientations

many of them fold up or snap together or have other convenient functionality

some of them also serve as risers to protect your devices or cards from spills

you can use it as a tablet stand in some cases

you can use it as a card stand

if people followed the BBL kit card contest design details and rules as they have set them forth then if could also probably be used as a kit card stand

so yes a phone stand is a tool and can be a very versatile tool

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