Card Contest Spammer

Cmon stop clutching at straws, you’re embarrassing yourself…


For reals…i dont even get what hes complaining about…

This guy didn’t understand a simple phrase and concept, it’s literally what happened

they specifically said it in the first line of their design details…

“kit cards are… versatile tools”

there fore if it is not a tool at all how is it a kit card

those are design details

they are not saying what the theme is they are actually saying that you can put what ever theme you want into the kit card.

but they literally said “KIT CARDS ARE… VERSATILE TOOLS”

so if its not even a tool at all its not a valid kit card for this contest

because “kit cards are versatile tools”

I don’t want to spread hate, i want to help you understand what you didn’t.


thank you

I feel the same way :sunglasses::+1:

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What you don’t understand is that in the “KIT CARDS ARE… VERSATILE TOOLS” phrase, Bambulab is referring to kit cards as a METHOD OF DESIGNING, they are presenting this concept, and as a concept it’s a very versatile METHOD. They are NOT referring to the CONTENT of the kit cards.

I literally can’t be more clear than this

Have you ever checked the meaning of the word “kit”?

The following definition from the Oxford Learners Dictionary probably comes closest to the current topic:

a set of parts ready to be made into something

Funnily enough, this doesn’t apply to the comment spammer’s competition entry - because it only consists of one part. If you separate it, it is no longer functional. It is no kit card.

Think about it, kit cards were originally created in the
injection molding industry specifically for little toys and objects. Wouldn’t it be counterintuitive to exclude those from the contest?

Seriously, you shouldn’t attack him with words. His existence proves the diversity of the earth’s species.

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Yeah I looked up the word and the etymology it was entertaining

have you looked up the word adjective?

have you considered that the word “kit” is used as an adjective to describe the type of cards in this contest?

The word “kit” can indeed be used as an adjective. For instance, consider the phrase “kit car”, which refers to a car that is assembled from a set of materials or parts, often for hobbyists or enthusiasts1. In this context, “kit” describes the type of car, emphasizing its assembly from components rather than being a traditional factory-made vehicle. :red_car::sparkles:

in the end it is still a car

just like in the end a kit card is still a card

Devon did not like my Robot Dog entry. Not as useful as a phone stand, I’ll admit. What I can’t believe is that his entry of the Bambu XL credit card was taken down this morning, I thought for sure that was the most useful entry that would win!

The consequences of having such an easy to use printer means we attract kids that haven’t learned proper etiquette yet. Like I said in my comment, you should spend more time modeling and less time arguing with false basis… not a good look.


Damn, there’s so much hot air blowing around in this thread, I’m gonna need to get an air conditioner to cool down.

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Ya’ll need to stop wasting your time arguing with this guy like he’s coming into this with any good faith, or is going to take anything you say serious. At the point he went around spamming on people’s objects, it should be obvious what this dude is about. He’s going to try and shove his narrative through at any cost.

He’ll hide behind that cheery smile, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have ill-intent. It’s just a tactic to try and diffuse people, so he can further push this BS.


Certainly, maybe the two of us can organize the “First MAKERWORLD High-Quality Trash Talk Competition.”
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you are mistaken I liked your Robot Dog I am not saying that your robot dog isn’t super cool I am saying that its not a “kit card” as per the design details set forth by BBL in maker world

lol my XL card was hardly useful it was not a serious entry anyway

no I am raising this issue in honest good faith because a lot of the contest entries are not kit cards, really if you watch a lot of the new models added they are added by mistake even a lot of the time and it is easy to tell that they are because nothing about them is a kit or a card or a tool at all.

blah blah I don’t want to have to compete as much blah blah so I’m trying to force my interpretation of the rules, blah blah.


Absolutely! They won’t stand a chance, and we’re all looking forward to the good news of your victory!

Never saw someone in good faith go around spamming people’s models dogging on them :rofl: Winning move there