Card Contest Spammer

It is literally a kit card, I’m not going to argue the semantics or adjectives or whatever you’re getting at. An apple is a fruit. The earth is a planet. My entry is a kit card.

So you think it’s acceptable for you to submit a non-serious design that isn’t useful, then report every kit card that you actually like?

By the way, just because you tell a designer you like their work after you had dogged on them, that doesn’t win you brownie points. It only further shows what an insufferable person you are.

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I looked at your design again and I can see how you could argue it is a kit card because it is a kit and it is at least mostly flat like a card but it is not a tool

at least I don’t see how its a tool and that is why I commented that it should not be in the kit card contest because as per BBL kit card contest "kit cards are… versatile tools "

the XL card design is not in this kit card contest.

He (you, devonth!) should know too, he’s got a lot of experience being one


I will conclude this meaningless argument with the following:
In this post, every user, except for you, has works with over 1K downloads. I bet that for your phone stand model, each of us can come up with a more ingenious version in just 10 minutes. I hope you express your views to the world through your work, rather than relying on the keyboard for opinions.

I actually researched that before making the first comment about the BBL kit card contest design details.

I could not find plastic injected model kits called “kit cards” anywhere not even in insider industry terminology

they are called model air plane kits or model care kits or model X kits but have not seen one example of a model kit being called a kit card.

not a card

I wrote and deleted a bit of a rant this morning about how as a designer, it’s so frustrating because at every corner there’s someone attacking you about something. It gets exhausting going through that.

And this whole situation is just a further reflection of that. We’ve got a guy in here telling a lot of talented designers that their models are wrong. Trying to push his own interpretation of the rules, and just being a general dollar store tool about it.

It’s Makerworld’s contest, and they’ll pick the entries they feel fit best. None of us need you on here harassing designers and trying to force your opinions of what the contest should be.


Do you read your comments back to yourself? My design is a kit and flat like a card, yet it still doesn’t qualify as a kit card to you? I am having a good laugh at my desk this morning, but my fingers are getting tired, you have some strong digits my friend.

The XL card design isn’t in the contest *anymore since it was taken down.

no it shows I have a capacity for dispassionate objectivity

you have a cool model design

and it does not align with the BBL kit card contest design details they set forth

mostly because its not a tool at all

I am glad you are having a laugh at it that was the point of the XL card as a kit card entry to make people laugh and maybe think about what makes a kit card a kit card as per the design details set forth by BBL :sunglasses::+1:

I’ll show you what it means to “express your views to the world through your own work”in passing.


Oh, your entry made me laugh too, but I am really laughing at your childish behavior and the response from this awesome community.

I get it that you can feel attacked and frustrated

but you might have a paradigm shift when you see that I was trying to warn the community from following the crowd that is not going to win by the rules of the contest because they failed to follow the design details set forth by BBL.

BBL might award the popular designs that are not tools or cards or even kits but if they don’t do that and they actually judge according to their own verbiage for this kit card contest then at lease I was there to warn the misguided.

at this present time you might not see me in that light but if the moment comes that the only winners chosen by BBL are creators that made [versatile tools] of some theme as a [kit] in [card] form then you might rethink all the history of these conversations.

It’s almost a beautiful art the way you deflect every single bit of criticism. Yet, who have you convinced of these words you peddle?

You’re the only one trying to peddle this narrative of what the kit contest is suppose to be, and it’s rather obvious no one agrees with you. So tell me, at this point, what’s your end game here? Is your goal to anger as many of your follow designers as you can? Did you wake up today and think well shoot, not enough people dislike me, so let’s go force a narrative no one agrees with.


very cool

I am not talking about the pill box contest here

You have no clue. Don’t pretend for any moment that you sympathize with anyone, when you’re sitting there trying to push your BS on us. You’re not some morally great person here to save the day. All you’re doing is harassing people with a smile.

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I am using this to show you what it means: expressing your views to the world through your own work, rather than relying on the keyboard to express opinions

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thank you for the complement. several are convinced and truthfully a lot of them saw it the same way that I did but simply choose to ride the wave of what seems popular with out regard for the fact that they also do not truly believe their design is align with the KIT CARD CONTEST design details set forth by BBL.

and they have openly expressed that to me!

I’m OK with that. at least they are not deluded about being mislead by the crowd going int a popular design direction that happens to be out of the bounds of the guiding Design detail verbiage set forth by BBL for this kit card contest

What do you think guys? Are we getting through to him?

Btw I mean no harm Devon, but your opinion is wrong.


The environment in our community is truly wonderful, with a group of top-notch modelers trying to help out a madman.