Chamber fan capable?


I am just finished up my enclosure for the P1P and I was wondering if I’m able to add a chamber fan to control the temps?


Lol I already asked this several days ago and got no response. I would guess not, my P1P doesn’t even have a main board fan. I ended up just getting a small power supply and thermostat board. Made a little box for it and will have it mounted next to the fan at the rear top corner of the printer.

That´s exactly my plan.
Can you give some more detailed information, how you do it?
Maybe i´ll use an esp8266 with tasmota and some ds18b20 temperature sensor, and use pwm to control an additional fan.

I simply used a 1 amp power brick and a DROK thermostat, printed a little box for it all. Doesn’t get much simpler than turning a fan on and off at a certain temperature. Cost about $25 in total.


I think that is probably going to be the best solution that we are going to get good work!

My cad skills aren’t the best but I’m remixing someone’s printable lid for the P1P so I can add a fan on the top of the lid. I think that’s the best location unless you can think of a better spot to put it? I don’t have any more time right now but this is what I’ve got so far.

That’s a nice place to put the fan and controller so you can make adjustments and view the temperature. I have an acrylic top to let in more light, and I figure I only need to set my controller once, so I just put mine in the back. Also I have a louver covering my fan so less heat escapes when it’s off, I don’t think that would work mounted horizontally lol

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I was able to finish it and I changed it up a little bit. I found a different thermostat I am going to try out. I have ordered everything so we will see how it goes. I am using a W2809 so it fits a lot better. I am going to keep it simple on / off like this for now but may add pwm in the future.


I have one of these I was thinking about using.

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I was looking at that thermostat real hard because it looks more finished, but it had many reviews saying it’s unreliable pretty much everywhere I could find it for sale.