I knew it, something is off… I had 0 dowloads in 5 hours last night…
“No out of the ordinary download” - apart from going from 180 a day too… 30 a day. a week and half ago when things were implemented.
Also, proper test for you…
Download 5 models from Bambu Lab | Published - MakerWorld and then try any other dl. that is not point trading.
Try 180 mid to end of February. Look at the dates on that picture.
EDIT: If you want to see just the past couple weeks, here you go
I released my Soundwave remix on the 23rd, it was featured shortly after and that explains the spike in downloads.
They have become one of my favorite creators recently. I really like this one they did. Licking Balls Cat by Valeria Momo - MakerWorld
Surprised they haven’t just barred Gridfinity and CloneFinities from the points system
While these recent changes are a positive progresss and can temporarily slow down bots, download traders and self-downloaders, they won’t solve the problem. Cheaters will simply adapt to the restrctions by downloading fewer models at a time but making it up by creating more accounts to do the download.
MW is partly to blame for the mess it’s in. Whether it’s due to inexperience, or not setting a higher enough prioirity, it allowed cheating to go on unchecked for far too long, ringing the dinner bell to all cheaters. Even now, it’s always 2 or 3 steps behind the cheaters, and the measures taken are half-measures at best.
silent night at makerworld? I’m surprised that there is absolutely no commentary on this…
Well, maybe they’ll let us know what happened and what might have happened in the background in the meantime… maybe they are doing tabularasa in the background… who knows… but what I can’t imagine is that there is no solution against bots and illegal downloading… I have no idea about this because it’s not my area of expertise, but we live in 2024 where every second person on this planet will have three cell phones… and then I think of words like cybersecurity
My download and view numbers have hardly changed at all since whatever change they did on 4/2/24, but my points are crawling now for some reason. I don’t have any super popular models, but they were generating about 500 points a week and now I’m down to like 100 per week. None of my models are super complex most of them are between 1-5 hour prints.
I’ll add that my account has never been restricted and I have passed many reviews.
This procedure helps those who are at the top of the pages, i.e. who have generally received the most downloads in the past. The other users receive few or no more counters.
In my opinion, this also reinforces the effect that poorly made models, for example, get >1k downloads and a basically identical object (same object, same size) in only much better quality does not get a single download and gets lost in the mass of objects.
However, the system has always been designed in such a way that users with a large number of downloads receive the most attention, i.e. are pushed. Technically better thought-out models with greater added value for the user tend to go under in comparison and, judging by the figures, have recently been disappearing more and more into Makerworld nirvana.
However, I am not sure to what extent the unfair pushing of one’s own objects actually plays a role. This behaviour doesn’t just seem to be present on Makerworld. I have observed similar behaviour on Etsy. There are accounts where it seems that other users almost always add items to their shopping basket or even buy and rate them, which is inexplicable in terms of price and product design, and there are even models that no one would probably ever buy. Then try listing something on Etsy yourself that you know is a big seller and give it a comparable price. You might get the views, but nobody will buy.
However, it may well be that a lot is being pushed via social media. Because then the other Makerworld models are out of the running. Nevertheless, it looks very strange that a model is newly posted by another user and receives more than 1000 downloads within 1 week. And as already mentioned, this is now being intensified because the users have already had many downloads in the past, appear at the top of the lists on the pages and their models are therefore the first models to be downloaded.
Best regards!
However, there can be no criticism of the co-operation of the users present. We have already made suggestions several times over the weeks that would almost completely eliminate the fundamental problems, because such dishonest behaviour would not be fruitful. On the other hand, really good, comprehensive models would also be well and extensively rewarded.
But Bambulab apparently wants to continue along a different path, which is also being followed on other platforms. It seems to me that the focus is on competition with the other platforms and therefore also on a number/counts of models that are perhaps seen as a special feature of the platform. In my opinion, however, this simply makes Makerworld a platform like any other. However, I stay away from other platforms if I can’t benefit from them. The mere sharing of models is no longer a real incentive with the mass of models. Unless you belong to a community in the social networks where you are very well known. However, the benefit can also lie in seeing how well a model is received, or perhaps how much attention it attracts. But what if that doesn’t seem to work anymore?
Your last sentence sums it up perfectly. That would be the well-known straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I also will provide multiple plates of options for the user. I agree it is easier to navigate for the end user. When I first started uploading models I was not certain how best to do them. So I have some models of boxes that I broke up into 3 different uploads that all can be inner changeable. Though each upload had multiple plates. It seemed too overwhelming to have an abundance of plates. Right or wrong, that is how they ended up.
I use my sister as a test on what works. If she struggles with printing or understanding a model she wants to print then I will make changes to it. It is interesting to see all the replies on this topic. My sister has two Bambu lab printers, I have two and my son has one. We all live in different states. Most of my motivation for uploading models is to share with my family. Iff others like them that is a bonus to me.
All the work and testing that goes into model making can be time consuming. It can also be costly. I have printed lots of the same model or part of it to work out printing issues or model issues. It is nice to have a reward for your hard work.
So I have two x1carbons. My husband and I have separate accounts. I bought the printers under my account. So the first suggestion would only work for one of us. There probably should be more than one option to authenticate an account. Two accounts work for us because we have different interest. I upload all the models that he or I make to my account. My sister and her husband have one account they both use but they share everything lol.
I also think there is users that don’t own Bambi printers that should have a way to authenticate.
you dont need a bambu to be on the makerworld and to create an account…
To sum it Up: 1 Plate Models win. Multiplatemodels loose. Printprofile that is…
I feel honored thank you!
Under the proposed method, let’s call it Authenticated Privilege Rules, your account will be automatically authenticated, no more action is needed from you.
Your husband’s can be authenticated by the 2nd option: binding it with his mobile phone number. People who do not have Bambu Lab printers also use the 2nd options to authenticate.
All in all, two-step verification seems to be a very strong solution to this problem. For both bots and multi-accounts. I completely forgot that I had it turned on, and today, when logging in on a new device, it dawned on me.
In my opinion, obligatory activation of it will drastically limit the operation of bots and multi-accounts, it is no longer a quick login with a password entered in the manager, it requires a lot more involvement, it is unlikely to be automated, you have to launch the app, generate a code, etc. Besides, I can’t imagine have several dozen or even several hundred keys because it will be rather difficult to deal with it. And for an ordinary user, not much will change, because if you don’t log out, you log in once and forget it, just like me.
However, the question remains whether MW will go for it and whether the main and only goal is to fight against cheating users?
Thanks for supporting the the idea. Yes, it depends on what MW wants to achieve.
If the goal is to have a fair playing fields for all designers, then this simple and tranparent approach will lay a strong foundation for that. Bot acccounts will no longer be a big problem, instantly. Some people will still try download-trading, but MW will be able to focus on those and weed them out.
Furtherore, for all forms of cheatings, the deterence factor will kick in because when an account is banned the consequence is real, since cheaters cannot just create new accounts like they can now.