Confusing ratings

I really wish there was no preset-text in the drop-down menu for ratings. It locks people into 3 star ratings and they don’t know how to get out.
Last time I got mixed messages like this I was in my 20s and dating.


Hello :wave: I’ve got the same kind of rating a couple of days ago. And he even included a picture of the print!
You can report this, it will be remove.

You need to read my response to a related question to understand why there is this confusion, BL is the cause as they tell users 3 is average, but, require us to be 4 of higher to show we were adequate.

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Agree that the messaging needs to be consistent. It’s a needed improvement, but I don’t think it’s the problem in this specific case. Given the ‘GREAT PRINT’ I don’t believe it was the user’s intention to give an ‘Average’ rating. But I do think the current UX makes too much of a huge deal when switching out of the 3 star rating.


I think people see the dialog and click ‘Cancel’.
Personally, I don’t understand why this warning exists and why the user comment text is cleared just when switching to a higher rating.
(I tested and confirmed that it is cleared, not just the issue selection)

My suggestions:

  • This warning needs to go away
  • Whatever the user typed needs to be preserved across rating selections
  • Selecting one of the issue presets should not lock you into a specific rating. Or arguably they should not exist at all because it encourages users to select one and not describe the issue.

I do report it if it’s the first rating and/or it does contain clearly misleading information. MW is very responsive about these. It’s great. But generally I let it ride lol. It usually all washes out over time :smile:

I’ll add this one for laughs

We get judged on users that have no judgement.

I had one that that said…

It printed identically to your photo, I didn’t want that.


You get the burger that is shown in the photo and you wanted the slop we normally get!


Bambulab produces fantastic 3D printers and brings many new users to the hobby, unfortunately the comments reflect this.

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Well, I received low ratings because people could not hear my ultrasonic whistles …


I always had bad votes because people are unable to read… yesterday I had that situation again because an inexperienced user changed my complete filament setting and was wondering why he was not able to remove the supports… my complete text was handling this. furthermore I recorded a video explaining the problem. …but it still seems this is not enough…
so what did I do this morning → I created profile types [Advanced] & [Beginner]. the next one who is complaining because he was unable to read just receives a “LOL” from me…

I’m partially deaf, do I down-rate your standard whistles (that others can hear) because I can’t?

I don’t think some people think before they use their keyboards.

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“Your phone case is great! Printed great! Came out perfect with your profile! But i applied too much force and i broke it”
1 star :rofl:

“I printed your model without touching anything and the supports were not good and got stuck in the bed”
The model was a 1mm thick 2D drawing (like a picture)printed laying on the bed. Supports for what?? Where?? That one i didn’t get it really lol
1 star :rofl:

And i have a few more but i could write a jokes book out of it.

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hmmm - may I should release (it’s still in my drafts) my “this is not a kit card” award and print & send it to those users :sweat_smile:

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I once uploaded a kit card model from a character from minecraft that i was testing and all went well for a few days… until i get the following rating:
“Sir, this is a mess. I tried printing it several times and always fails. Not even supports can save this model”
1 star

I then PM’ed the guy and i just laughed when he tried to explain to me what was the problem. The kit card was about a few mm’s thick laying down on the bed but somehow bambu studio on his side always placed the model in vertical mode. That means that it would always fail no matter what he would try… and trust me, he even tried to do tree support, brims, etc., wasting double or triple the material in the model. I ended up sending him the stl and all went well but i removed the model later on because was not good enough for me. But that was a funny one and he was right, it was bambu studio that bugged out. But it was funny. Got to check if i still got the picture he sent me.