"Connecting....." in Bambu Studio

I do have public beta firmware on my printer.

Since this morning Bambu Studio (latest stable version) only shows “Connecting…” and can’t connect to the printer, neither on LAN only nor on cloud modus. I tried it on linux and windows.

I tried to install the firmware version before and to de- and re-couple the printer. Nothing worked.

Connection to the Bambu Smartphone app works, even over mobile net.


If you can connect via Phone the problem is probably ob your PC side. You could check if your firewall blocks Bambu Studio in Windows and if not try to reinstall Bambu Studio on Windows.

Tried it on Ubuntu at Home, Windows at Home and Ubuntu at work.

But if others don’t have a problem at the moment it’s probably a version mismatch or so, I hope it will fix itself :wink:

Would be interesting if it would work if you change to stable release.

No, didn’t.

Factory Reset on the printer did not help.

Uncoupling and Coupling did not help.

Reinstalling an older BambuStudio neither.

Is it possible to downgrade the network plugin? Maybe that is the problem.

BTW: I also tried to use my smartphone as hotspot to prevent that my home network (or my provider) is the problem…

LAN only mode does not help, too.

Interesting enough: If I power down the printer, BambuStudio presents the “Can’t connect to printer” message. If it is powered up, the “Connecting…” is presented again…

How can I debug this - is there any description of the protocol how printer and BambuStudio are communicating that may help with wireshark?

Not sure if our cases are related, but lately I have had problem with the connection between my X1Cs and the Bambu Studio. I suspect something got mesed up inside the Studio.

I don’t know if this problem is related. I am currently no step further.

Can I somehow check the time set on my printer to see if this is a problem? (A wrong date leads to false-incorrect recognized SSL certificates…)

I just tried to install an open source bambu client locally to get at least another remote GUI to my A1.

But it crashes to. Unlinke the bambu client, it gives debug info:

UnicodeDecodeError Exception: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xea in position 2450: invalid continuation byte

The mqtt answer couldn’t be parsed:


Look, there is a funny character in tray_info_idx - I wonder how this came to this field…

Currently my printer is doing a 10 hour job, but after that I’ll try to remove all configurations from the external spool slot. Maybe this helps?

Does anyone knows where Bambu Studio saves the Filament Information? May I can identify the errorness filament there - then I know which I have to delete…

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I would suggest post your problem on that Bambu Studio Bug Reporting Thread to make it easier for the Studio team to see all the problems.

Doing custom fix wastes too much time. Even if it works, the fix can be broken when a new version is released.

Absolutely - but at the moment I don’t know if this problem occuring in the open source client is the same that prevents bambu studio from connecting.

So first I’ve to wait until it finishes its current job. Then I’ll delete the filament information on the printer.

But I also tried factory reset on the printer - it did not help. So I think that bambu cloud may have synced back my filaments?

(A ticket for this problem is already open since yesterday morning. But we’re currently not over the “please check your network”-status…)

You won’t believe it - I set the filament of the external spool holder back from this special TPU to PLA on the printer - and it works again…


Cross reference: Ticket _EU_US241128462001_APP_ANDROID_5641 and a special character in a user defined filaments id crashes network plugin · Issue #5436 · bambulab/BambuStudio · GitHub

I am interested in what you find out. I have a Mac (M3 pro chip). I have to use my cell hotspot if i want internet so LAN only mode is what we do. I updated the firmware to the latest stable version recently (had to wait until i had enough hotspot coverage) and started getting the Connecting then failing error also. i am currently attempting to submit a ticket but am stalled by upload of printer logs (currently stuck at 26%) and it won’t let me submit without the logs. Currently the only way i can print is to slice and export to the sd card.(no fun)

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