Contest Schedule April 15th-April 29th

April 15th——Amazing Precision: The 0.2mm nozzle Design Challenge:For this challenge, we welcome our designers to explore the boundless possibilities of printing with a 0.2mm nozzle. The only requirement for this contest is that your model, regardless of its size, must be print-tested with a 0.2mm nozzle and attached with an actual printed model photo. Refer to our teaser for more information: A small teaser for our Apr.15th Contest

April 22nd——Mother‘s Day:As Mother’s Day slowly approaches, we would like to invite you to design the perfect gift for our cherished mothers. We’re eager to learn about the inspiration behind your design and the heartfelt reasons that led you to create this special gift for your mother. If possible, please include a photo of your mother receiving the gift to capture her joy!

April 29th——Animal Frenzy:Bring your favorite animals to life through your designs! Your entries can take the form of intricately detailed sculptures or articulated/flexi designs suitable for various purposes. However, please make sure that your designs remain focused on the animals themselves, rather than generic items (such as cat toys or dog bowls as we plan to hold contests dedicated to those themes in the future.)


missed opportunity I would say with the International Day of Human Space Flight on April 12th, but…we get animal frenzy instead :laughing: - much more meaningfull


In an international world, we sometimes forget things like Mother’s Day isn’t actually held on the same day in each country.

The U.K. held Mother’s Day on the 10th of March in 2024.

I do t have a solution for this, just thought it should be acknowledged.

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You’re right, especially with something like Mother’s Day, the problem with some contests is they pass on celebrations with so much creative value and potential and we get things like Animal Frenzy , “not that there’s anything wrong with that”

It would be nice to see contest themes that don’t encourage the same type of model that you always see on these platforms. I’ve no doubt that with the animal frenzy we’re just going to see hundreds of remixed articulated dragons. Yawn.

As @MalcTheOracle has pointed out, following festivals for an international site will also often isolate certain regions who do not celebrate it at all or at the same time.

It would be nice to see some ideas that encourage a bit of variety in the models. Some ideas…

  • Workshop tools / DIY
  • Movies
  • Sport
  • Board games
  • Accessibility - Ways to help those with disabilities
  • Bookworm - Reading themed
  • Kids toys
  • Playground games
  • Inventions to make life easier

Space flight would have been a great one.

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It was just an ideea, but you pointed out much more and better. Animal frenzy in my opinion just limits creativity to certain models and a niche of designers

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It seems there might be a bit of confusion. April 22nd is recognized as International Mother Earth Day, not Mother’s Day12.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed April 22nd as International Mother Earth Day through a resolution adopted in 201912. This day recognizes the Earth and its ecosystems as humanity’s common home and emphasizes the need to protect it to enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity1.

Mother’s Day, on the other hand, is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, and it’s observed on different dates around the world. In many countries, including the United States and Canada, it’s celebrated on the second Sunday of May. However, the date can vary widely by country. For example, in the United Kingdom, it’s celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. In some other countries like Spain or Romania, it’s celebrated on the first Sunday of May. Please let me know if you need information about a specific country. :blush:

Thanks for all of your concerns and suggestions.
We would like to address several points regarding your comments and offer some insight into the reasoning and logic behind our contest schedules.

  • For the Mother’s Day Contest, starting on April 22nd doesn’t mean we thought Mother’s Day is on this day. We acknowledge that Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates in various cultures and countries.
    Our intention behind scheduling contests related to festivals is to offer our users a variety of models to print in advance of the celebrations. We believe many of our models make suitable presents for a wide audience.
    Given that most countries celebrate Mother’s Day in May, we decided to hold our Mother’s Day contest before the end of April to ensure an abundance of model options for our makers ahead of the actual date.

  • Regarding our selection of contest themes, we recognize that some of you may have different opinions and believe that there are better themes available. We fully respect and understand your perspective.
    However, our choice of contest themes is informed by analytical data gathered from various sources on the internet. We prioritize selecting themes that align with what users frequently search for in terms of related models or designs.

We also want to extend our gratitude to @Roley32 and @Wcad00 for your fantastic contest ideas. We want to assure you that your suggestions have been noted, and we will certainly consider hosting some of the themes proposed by you and other valued community members.
As a platform, we encounter various types of risks from different sources. While some of the suggested themes may sound incredibly engaging and enjoyable, we must carefully consider the potential risks associated with hosting such themes. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

  • Accessibility - Ways to help those with disabilities - This one would be nice. Tbh i understand it would not be as popular or as many submitting as it is niche so maybe do only one single prize or smaller ones. it good to build less popular things too.

Plus you’d have to be a real dick to complain about this theme being suggested. xD

There are a couple of points we’d like to point out after seeing some of the contest entries for our 0.2mm nozzle Design Challenge. While we encourage users to explore the precision of printing smaller objects with our 0.2mm nozzle, there are alternative approaches to showcase the capabilities of this nozzle size.
Consider designing models that emphasize the fine detail and precision achievable with a 0.2mm nozzle, regardless of their size.

We’ve noticed some entries scaling down previous models to a smaller size for printing with a 0.2mm nozzle, but we believe this may not be the most effective approach.
Instead, focus on creating structurally complex and advanced models that showcase the precision of 0.2mm nozzle printing, as these are more likely to stand out in the contest.


Hello dear, but haven’t you thought of a contest for board games or games in general?

Once again, I’m confused about the start time of the contests. If they all start at 0:00 GMT+8, that would mean the mothers day contest should have started 4 hours and 22 minutes ago (from this comment).

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@MakerWorld The mother’s day contest has just started and is already overflowing with entries that are not related to mother’s day.

At best they write “can be a good gift for you mom” which I hope isn’t enought to make any generic item valid?

I understand you can’t monitor entries in real time, but adding an easy way to report contest violations directly from the overview, and prioritizing such reports the first day(s) of a contest would potentially help stop this abuse.

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Hello MakerWorld, I would be very excited if there were a Maker’s Supply Creator competition. All designs should be allowed with just one criterion: at least two Maker Supply elements must be incorporated.

@MakerWorld we are waiting for next ones :pray:t3:


Contest Idea:

TPU/Flexible filament prints.

I have 2kgs of the stuff and am out of ideas to print with it :slight_smile:


It would be a good idea to make it available on the store first

You could be the proud owner of a few hundred of these flexible key rings I designed specifically for TPU.

You could pretend to be a fashionable jailer (presuming you’re not one right now).