Contest Schedule Feb.23-Mar.18

We’ve stated numerous times at several occasions that uploads, not only contest entries, but uploads to MakerWorld in general, should include actual printed photos or else it will risk being taken down.Models with no actual pictures are likely to be removed
Our wording in the contest rules should be updated to a more stricter tone and we will do so soon. At this moment, we don’t have an automated system to remove all ineligible models, but our team is working tirelessly to resolve these issues, many brought to our attention by our dedicated community members. We ensure you that all models not meeting our requirements will be taken down eventually.
We are kindly asking you to add actual photos and your own print profile to your model, we don’t believe this is asking too much. We are regrettable that there are other ineligible models in our entries and we are acting swiftly to remove them. You are more than welcome to report them if you believe they do not meet the requirements or have missing components.