As many of you might already noticed, we have been using model and photo contents from some of our designers as our contest banner, and the results have been mutually beneficial.
For our creators, having your work prominently displayed on a contest banner offers you prime exposure on MakerWorld. Your work will be showcased in two of our most popular and highly visible modules: the front-page banner section and the contest page. We have received positive feedback from numerous creators who have experienced a boost in their popularity and engagement after being featured on contest banners. According to them, a significant increase in followers for their accounts and likes+downloads+prints for their designs occurred shortly after contests with their models on the banner went live.
For MakerWorld, it provides an efficient means to promote and reward our most gifted and committed designers.
So if you are interested in having your works featured on our contest banner, there are a couple of things you can do with this post.
If you have a model that closely matches an upcoming contest theme, let us know by commenting on this post and tagging @MakerWorld, or by sending a message to our official MakerWorld account.
If you see a rising trend or popular model type on MakerWorld that we don’t have many examples of, also tell us in the comments. This helps us plan future contests around those themes.
Please note that our design team has the final decision on which models are featured on contest banners for aesthetic reasons. Therefore, we cannot assure that your submissions will be featured.
We look forward to seeing your works and comments!
The MakerWorld Team