Crappy PETG quality - little bubbles as opposed to big mistakes

I have been commissioned to print some parts, and they need to be out of PETG.
This is a side shot of said print. I am going for quality, and this does not suffice. Any ideas?
I have attempted the following:
-Reducing/increasing nozzle temp
-Moving my printer to stable ground
-Tensioning my belts
Thanks for any help

Do you have “Seam/Seam position” set to random?


@JonRaymond No, aligned.

Have you dried the filament you are using?


@JonRaymond Yes, it is dry. Kept in a box with silica gel after initially being dried.

In my experience this is wet filament, but I could of course be wrong.


Either wet or they had bubbles during production that expanded during print. Its not uniformed, so im guessing it was during manufacturing. Just for science lol, you should dry for about 12 hours and see if theres a change in outcome.

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Ok. I will try. Will update soon

Run a flow and temp calibration for the filament once the filament is dry. On the P1 series I have found this also sorted bubbling issues out for me

After drying it there was no change
Proceeding to calibrate now

Ive had the same defect on grey & black esun petg. Both were dried for 48 hours at 70 deg to rule out moisture & the issue still happened afterward. Both were calibrated with orca slicer & printed well otherwise.

Do you have another brand petg you could try?

The cfpetg we use prints without this issue.

You could try using fuzzy skin to hide the defect.

Bambulab Grey PLA filament. Dry in the AMS (temp 30c and Hum 19%)

Using Black filament with same 3mf file no problem all smooth.

Any ideas are welcome!

looks like you set the seem to random and you need to cal the filament

I don’t, this was the filament supplied to me for the job.
I have calibrated and dryed my filament, no improvement


Do yo need to calibrate every new role of Bambu Filament?

I have about 15 different colours and types and did not calibrate any with mostly perfect prints except this Bambu Grey PLA

Is your retraction on and did you do flow calibration?

How does the aligned seam look?

@silver118822 and @Anthony_McGowan, Retraction is on, flow calibration has been done, and the seam looks fine

I print a lot of PETG. This looks like wet filament. I’d dry it overnight. Raise the temp to a mnimum of 240 C.

What speed are you printing this at? I have seen this type of small defect before in eSun PETG and I was able to get it to go away by printing slower. I use PETG a lot, so I did extensive testing and tuning of different PETG filaments. If found they ALL worked well when you slowed them down to at, or in some cases just above, the manufacturer’s recommended print speeds. Most PETG filaments have a 30-50 mm/s speed limit. This means a max volumetric speed setting of 4.5. Try that in the filament profile. I also found you can speed up the infill and inner perimeters quite a bit but this requires custom speed settings in the print profile. You can also get away with a bit more speed in the top & bottom layers.

For background, PETG requires a greater amount of phase transition energy to melt, which limits its print speed. You have to bump up the temperature to get decent speeds, but then it gets too hot and you start to get defects that manifest as small blobs (and not the holes you are seeing). In my opinion, I still suspect wet filament. Do you have any other way to dry it other than the printer chamber? Despite BBL’s contention that you dry filament in this way, I’m not convinced as the volume of air exchange seems too low to me. But you can mitigate wet filament (somewhat) with slower speeds, so try that anyway.