Delete filament profiles in Studio/Cloud


I have some filament profiles in BL-Studio that are directly from the filament manufacturer and were read in via the filament folder of the file system.

Since I have made a few changes to them, I would like to delete the old profiles again.
But I can’t find a way to delete them.

If I delete the files from the file system, they will be syncronised from the cloud again after the next start of BL-Studio and are all available again.

How do I get rid of them?

If this is not possible, please create a feature request for it, otherwise you will accumulate a data rubbish of profiles.

Thanks in advance

Filament management, printer profile management (the one with the nozzle size) and print profile management are all difficult.

I am with you on this. A proper management page that allows deletion, copying, modification, renaming, etc. would be nice.

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User presets can be deleted, but I don’t think you can delete System presets.

To delete a Filament profile you created, select the filament and then click on the edit icon on the right end of the name. To the right of the filament name in the edit window, there is a floppy icon to Save the profile, and an X which deletes the filament profile.


yes, thank you, found it and it worked. Was able to delete my profiles.

But the function is well hidden, I would also like to have an easier management of the profiles.

Maybe I’m the only one, but I use BambuStudio on 2 computers. And if I delete a (filament) user preset on one system it will be synced again after I start BambuStudio on the second system. I haven’t found a way to get right of them. :thinking:

I use one computer in my office, and a different one in my workshop where the printer is located. Both computers have Bambu Studio and OrcaSlicer installed, and all my user presets stay in sync in all four instances.

I would make sure both computers are running the same version of Studio. I had a temporary issue when I started using the 1.6 beta version in the office and was still on 1.5 in the shop - the shop version would not load any of my presets. I updated that computer, logged out and back in, and my presets were all in place.

Use the setup wizard under the help menu. You can choose which of the system presets are shown.