Editing 3D Text in slicer

hello. Is there a way to place precisely a text on an object ? Like with object coordonates ?

THANK YOU!!! Just learnt this now made a big difference!

Nice work, but just a tiny correction in your ritual there.
“Change type” is already available in the right-clicked menu in the objects tab. No need to change filament first. It’s even there in your screenshot

I don’t know if anything changed in an update that the OP didn’t get to respond to yet, but you can also see in your screenshot that “edit text” is available.

What I tend to do to edit text is select the object in the objects tab as shown above and then just click the text option like you were making a new text in the top menu here:

However, there is another problem that happens when you change a text input or font or size. It reverts back to wherever the first position you originally clicked and loses all changes made to position and orientation.I reported on it in a reply to this post:

Unfortunately I am finding this editing not capable with the bambu slicer. There’s a wonderful fun I got to search for another project I don’t know what this one’s called. I do a lot of my lettering and prusa slicer. Save the file is PR and then resave it as BL or bambu lab so I can always get back to it in the proof of slicer and edit the text. I know it’s not a fix for your question but it’s a get around that I use